Federal Criminal Defense Lawyers in Chicago Illinois

Federal Fraud Attorney

Need a good federal fraud crimes attorney? Our Chicago criminal defense law firm can provide you with excellent representation in your federal case. Call us today at (312) 466-9466.

Federal criminal law encompasses many types of fraud, such as mail fraud, mortgage fraud, bank fraud and health care fraud. Each has its own unique elements, but all of these charges require some form of falsehood, deception or scheme.

Punishments for fraud are typically driven by the amount of loss, with the punishment increasing as the amount of loss goes higher. For example, a fraud which causes a loss of more than $400,000 will have a starting base offense level of 14 and a guidelines range starting at 15-21 months in the Bureau of Prisons, before enhancements and other arguments are made. This clearly shows that financial fraud crimes are treated very seriously and that people can and do go to prison for substantial periods of time for non-violent offenses involving money.

If you are in danger of being charged with a federal fraud crime, contact the Law Office of Steven R. Hunter today and arrange for an office consultation.

Chicago Criminal Defense Lawyer - (312) 466-9466 

Chicago Office

900 W. Jackson Blvd.

Suite 7E

Chicago, IL 60607

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