
Illinois Criminal Code of 1961

Crime laws and case law change frequently. For any Illinois criminal case, it is strongly recommended that you contact an experienced Illinois criminal attorney. Call us today at (312) 466-9466 to discuss your case.

The Illinois Criminal Code of 1961 served as the foundation for Illinois criminal law until 2012. Excerpts from the law, and links to the law, are provided herein for reference purposes only.

Visitors to our Chicago criminal defense lawyer website should be aware that Illinois criminal laws have been amended many times and that Illinois crime laws posted on this site may not be current. In addition, Illinois criminal case law defines precedents for legal determinations that are not defined in the original laws.


Title I - General Provisions
Title II - Principles Of Criminal Liability
Title III - Specific Offenses
Part A - Inchoate Offenses
Part B - Offenses Directed Against the Person
Part C - Offenses Directed Against Property
Part E - Offenses Affecting Governmental Functions
Part F - Certain Aggravated Offenses
Title IV - Construction, Effective Date and Repeal
Title V - Added Articles

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