The case examples listed below include results obtained in various matters handled by our Chicago criminal defense law firm. The sole intent of these case descriptions is to provide information about the activities and experience of our criminal defense law firm. They should not be viewed as a guarantee or assurance of future success in any criminal defense matter.
Please be aware that the outcome of a particular case cannot be determined based on a criminal defense attorney's past results. Rather, the outcome of a particular matter depends on a variety of factors specific to the case a hand. As such, you should not assume that a similar result or outcome can be obtained by our criminal defense law firm in your legal matter.
Recent Criminal Defense Cases Handled By Our Law Firm
October 24, 2024 - Petition for Order of Protection. Client filed for a Stalking No Contact Order in Lake County, but the Sheriff?s never served it. The Respondent in that case filed a Petition of her own in Cook County, likely because she learned of the Lake County case. Attorney Steven R. Hunter persuaded the court to dismiss the Cook County case. Petition dismissed.
October 23, 2024 - Supervised Release violation. Client accused of a state crime while on supervised release in Federal Court. Probation also alleged that the defendant tested positive for drugs, failed to notify probation about his new arrest, and failed to pay his restitution. A motion to violate the Client?s supervised release was filed. Client risked a sentence of 24 months in the Bureau of Prisons. Near the end of the term of supervised release, Attorney Steven R. Hunter persuaded the prosecution and the court to agree to terminate the client?s supervision with an unsatisfactory designation and close the case. Supervised release terminated.
October 16, 2024 - Petition for Order of Protection. Client accused of damaging the property of a former love interest. The petitioner possessed potentially damaging videos. Attorney Steven R. Hunter negotiated a settlement in which the Respondent paid for the damages and the petition was dismissed. Petition Dismissed.
October 15, 2024 - Battery. Client accused of touching a child in an offensive manner. Attorney Steven R. Hunter filed a motion for discovery and learned from the police reports that a videotaped interview had been created. After months of delay by the prosecution, Attorney Hunter obtained the interview. Then the prosecution filed motions to admit the statement, and to admit evidence from an unrelated case under the guise of proof of other crimes. Attorney Hunter researched and wrote extensive responses to the prosecution?s motions that proved persuasive. The day of the hearing the prosecutors dismissed the case. Case dismissed.
August 6, 2023 - Domestic Battery. Client?s girlfriend had a history of mental illness, self-harm, substance abuse and violence. After an especially angry argument she was asked to leave client?s home. She then called the police and claimed client had battered her. Police took a statement from client but claimed to have forgotten to press the audio record button. Attorney Steven R. Hunter spent months demanding discovery through motions and subpoenas. He also filed a motion challenging admission of Client?s statement. On the day of trial the prosecution offered to Nolle Prosse the case in exchange for agreement to an order of protection. Client agreed. Case dismissed.
August 2, 2024 - Aggravated Unlawful Use of Weapon. Police stopped vehicle with Client in the passenger seat. Police claimed that the vehicle and occupants fit the description of a vehicle from a report of shots fired. During the stop, police saw open alcohol which gave them a legal basis to search the car and detain the occupants. During the detention police searched Client and found a handgun in his waistband. Attorney Steven R. Hunter reviewed body worn camera video and police dispatch audio. There he discovered that the description the police had from dispatch was for a different make and model with occupants of a different race. Attorney Steven R. Hunter filed a written motion to suppress based on an illegal stop of the vehicle, which passengers have standing to challenge. On the day of the hearing on the motion the prosecution conceded defeat and dismissed the case. Case dismissed.
July 17, 2024 - Petition to Violate Federal Supervised Release. The Client was placed on Supervised Release after serving a prison sentence. The court added a condition that the Client reside in a community confinement facility. The facility discharged the client for alleged misbehavior. The client denied the behavior. Based on the discharge his probation officer filed a petition to revoke his supervised release and send him back to prison. The prosecutor took the position that she did not have to prove willful intent and that the client was not entitled to a hearing on the reasonableness of the discharge or his intent. Attorney Steven R. Hunter pushed back by filing a position paper and arguing case law showing the client had the right to a hearing and that the prosecution had to prove willful intent. The court agreed and held a hearing. After the hearing, the court sided with the defense. Petition to Revoke Supervised Release Denied after Hearing.
July 11, 2024 - Aggravated Unlawful Use of Weapon by Felon. Client was arrested by police while walking through a Chicago park. Police claimed they had previously seen him drive to the park and knew his license had been suspended. Chicago criminal lawyer Steven R. Hunter searched fifty videos and found the fifteen second segment showing recovery of the gun. It had been placed in the driver?s side door and covered with paper. Attorney Hunter presented evidence that the gun belonged to his wife, who had FOID and CCL. The court agreed with Attorney Hunter?s argument that the prosecution failed to prove knowledge of the weapon. Not Guilty.
June 27, 2024 - Robbery, Aggravated Domestic Battery. Client?s brother?s girlfriend accused client of knocking out her teeth and robbing her. At trial, Chicago criminal defense attorney Steven R. Hunter presented witnesses who testified that the complaining witnesses? teeth had been missing for years, that she gave a fake address to the Chicago police, and that she made the exact same accusation to police in a different state. Not Guilty.
June 25, 2024 - Aggravated Battery. Client accused of getting drunk and going to the home of his ex-girlfriend, then striking two of her male relatives with a bat. Client had severe injuries but also made incriminating statements. Initially the prosecution offered several years in prison. However, despite the Client?s prior felony, Attorney Steven R. Hunter persuaded them to offer probation, which the client accepted. Prison offer reduced to Probation.
June 25, 2024 - Leaving the Scene of a Death Accident. Client accused of leaving the scene of an accident in which someone died. The charge is a Class One offense with a sentencing range of 4 to 15 years in prison. Client lost control of his car and struck several parked vehicles. He denied to the police that he knew a person had been involved. The prosecutors had multiple surveillance camera videos of the event. Attorney Steven R. Hunter litigated several pre-trial motions and had prepared for trial. However, the prosecution offered a sentence of probation despite the Client?s criminal history. Client accepted. Probation.
April 16, 2024 - Order of Protection. Client?s neighbor accused him of throwing rocks at her window in the middle of the night, yelling threats, and shooting off guns. The neighbor put up multiple cameras which showed nothing, and installed an audio recording device, which revealed nothing. The neighbor called the police repeatedly. The police took her complaint but said they had no evidence. So, the neighbor filed for an order of protection and hired an attorney. Attorney Steven R. Hunter represented the Respondent and fought the false allegations at a hearing. Petition for Order of Protection Denied.
March 18, 2024 - Felony Theft, Possession of a Stolen Motor Vehicle. Client was accused of selling a car he did not own to another person through Facebook and providing a fake car title. Complaining witness identified the client as the person who sold him the car. Attorney Steven R. Hunter persuaded the prosecution to offer a Deferred Prosecution in exchange for restitution. Deferred Prosecution.
February 26, 2024 - Aggravated Criminal Sexual Assault. Client?s cousin accused the client of molesting him 17 years earlier, when they both were children. Under Illinois law if charges are brought after a defendant becomes an adult, the defendant is tried as an adult. Sex offense counts must be consecutive, so the client faced decades in prison. Client denied wrongdoing and Attorney Steven R. Hunter prepared for trial, found witnesses, and established a defense. The prosecution offered a plea agreement to misdemeanor battery. The client did not want to risk a trial and long prison sentence and accepted. Class X sex offense reduced to misdemeanor battery.
January 23, 2024 - Armed Violence, Failure to Register as a sex offender. Client hired Attorney Steven R. Hunter to fight an accusation of failing to register as a sex offender. The prosecution alleged he lived at a different address than the one at which he registered. Attorney Steven R. Hunter prepared to fight that case. While fighting that case, police arrested the client and charged him with Armed Habitual Criminal. Police saw client make an illegal U-turn. After stopping him they claimed they saw cannabis in a garbage bag and found a gun underneath the bag. Armed Habitual Criminal has a sentencing range of 6 to 30 years. (730 ILCS 5/5-4.5-25), and good time is limited to 15%. Attorney Steven R. Hunter filed several pre-trial motions, but also provided prosecutors with extensive positive information about his client and persuaded them to reduce the charge to an Aggravated Unlawful Use of Weapon, recommend 4 years IDOC on the gun charge and dismiss the failure to register case. Charge reduced in case one, case dismissed in case two.
January 23, 2024 - Federal Firearm Offense. Client arrested after a traffic stop of his vehicle and an attempt to flee the police. Police found a gun in his vehicle. Body worn cameras recorded the entire sequence of events, so trial was not a realistic option. According to the United States sentencing guidelines the client had a range of 77 to 96 months. Attorney Steven R. Hunter vigorously fought for a lower sentence by researching and writing a strong sentencing memorandum. Client sentenced to 56 months in the Bureau of Prisons. Below Guidelines sentence.
January 18, 2024 - Armed Robbery, Aggravated Kidnapping, Aggravated Unlawful Use of Weapon. Client had three separate cases. The most serious case involved Armed Robbery and Aggravated Kidnapping counts relating to the robbery of a cannabis dispensary. That case had a mandatory minimum of six years with an additional mandatory 15 years based on use of a firearm for a total mandatory minimum of 21 years in prison. Security video made trial unwise, so Attorney Steven R. Hunter compiled positive information about his client and argued to the prosecution that what appeared to be a firearm in the video was a bludgeon. Attorney Hunter obtained an offer of 9 years to Armed robbery without a firearm, a concurrent one-year sentence on one of the other cases, with the last case dismissed. 21-year minimum becomes 9 years.
January 10, 2024 - Domestic Battery. Client?s wife accused him of domestic battery. Client?s teenage son offered corroboration of past abuse. Client?s immigration status made a plea of any kind unacceptable. Attorney Steven R. Hunter prepared for trial and refused all plea offers. Prosecutors extended Order of Protection against client and dismissed charges. Case dismissed.
October 17, 2023 - Unlawful Use of Weapon. Client was seen passing a bag over a fence to another person. Police stopped and searched that person and found a gun in the bag. Attorney Steven R. Hunter knew the prosecution could not prove knowledge of the bag?s contents and set the case for trial. Day of trial the prosecutors dismissed the case. Case Dismissed.
October 12, 2023 - Aggravated Unlawful Use of Weapon. Client drove home and failed to use his turn signal shortly before pulling into his garage. The police followed him and entered the garage with guns drawn. Police questioned client and he made an admission about ?weed? in the car. Attorney Steven R. Hunter researched and wrote a motion to suppress which showed that the seizure of the client and the search were unconstitutional and illegal. After reviewing the motion, the prosecution conceded defeat and dismissed the charges. Case dismissed.
September 14, 2023 - Aggravated Assault. Client was charged with Aggravated Assault. Client?s roommate claimed that he threatened her with a gun. Client is a licensed armed security guard. Attorney Steven R. Hunter had a witness prepared to testify that the alleged assault never happened and convinced the prosecutors to nolle prosse the case. Charges dismissed.
September 13, 2023 - Aggravated Unlawful Use of Weapon. Client was charged with Aggravated Unlawful Use of Weapon, a felony offense. Client admitted to police during a traffic stop that he had a gun. Client did not have a Conceal Carry License. Attorney Steven R. Hunter persuaded the prosecution to offer a misdemeanor. Charges reduced to misdemeanor.
September 12, 2023 - Aggravated Unlawful Use of Weapon. Client was on probation for Aggravated Unlawful Use of Weapon when he was arrested for another Aggravated Unlawful Use of Weapon. Attorney Steven R. Hunter prepared a motion to suppress, but also negotiated with the prosecutors. Attorney Hunter persuaded them to dismiss the Violation of Probation petition, reduce the gun charge from a Class 1 felony to a Class 2 felony, and offer 3 years of incarceration with credit for time spent on Electronic Monitoring. Projected release date in three and a half months.
August 28, 2023 - Fleeing and Eluding. Client was charged with misdemeanor Fleeing and Eluding. Client stopped by police. Squad car video showed Client?s car speeding away after officer briefly spoke to driver. Officer later identified client by Secretary of State photo. Initially, prosecutors refused to offer Supervision. A conviction would have resulted in license revocation. Attorney Steven R. Hunter acquired mitigation (providing positive information about Client) and engaged in a 402 conference with the Judge. During the 402 conference, Attorney Hunter persuaded the court to offer a sentence of Supervision.
August 23, 2023 - Aggravated Fleeing and Eluding. Client was charged with felony Aggravated Fleeing and Eluding. State Police saw client, who drives a distinctive sports car, on the expressway. State Police had an airplane conduct a video surveillance of Client when they tried to pull her over. Client sped away but was later stopped by Illinois State Police (ISP) squad cars. The chase was shown on video. Attorney Steven R. Hunter persuaded the prosecutors to reduce the charge to a misdemeanor. Charge reduced to misdemeanor.
August 2, 2023 - DUI Charge. Client was charged with Driving Under the Influence (DUI). Client was involved in an accident, after which the State Trooper filed a sworn report indicating personal injury. This resulted in client being denied a mobile breath device to drive. Attorney Steven R. Hunter obtained a reversal of that conclusion by the Trooper, and a new sworn report was filed. Client obtained mobile breath device and received a sentence of Supervision.
July 24, 2023 - Bank Fraud. Client was charged with Bank Fraud in Federal Court. The Government possessed substantial evidence against Client. Client entered a plea of guilty. Due to the loss amount and Client?s criminal history category of III, his Guidelines range was 27-to-33 months. Attorney Steven R. Hunter created a compelling sentencing memorandum and persuaded the court to impose a sentence of 24 months. Below Guidelines sentence.
July 12, 2023 - Kidnapping and Aggravated Domestic Battery. Client was charged with Kidnapping and Aggravated Domestic Battery while on parole. By the time Attorney Steven R. Hunter was hired, the Court had set a high bond that client could not post. A motion to reduce the bond was denied. Client?s girlfriend had called the police from his house and claimed that client had battered her. Police arrived and discovered that both client and his girlfriend had injuries. Each accused the other, but the police arrested our client. The prosecution offered Client 5 years in prison. Attorney Steven R. Hunter set the case for trial. On the day of trial, the prosecution offered probation for a plea to Unlawful Restraint. All other charges were dismissed. Client chose to accept. Charges reduced, probation.
July 11, 2023 - Armed Habitual Criminal. Client was charged with Armed Habitual Criminal, a Class X offense with a 6-to-30-year sentencing range and only 15% goodtime credit. Client was on parole when his former girlfriend called the police and claimed that he had a gun and had just committed a domestic battery. Police found our client, arrested him, searched him, and found the gun in a backpack. At the time of the arrest, our client made an incriminating statement. Client?s fingerprints were also on the gun. Not every case should go to trial, and Attorney Steven R. Hunter pursued plea negotiations with the prosecutors. Client was allowed to plead to a lesser offense with 50% good time credit. Charges reduced.
June 6, 2023 - Aggravated DUI Case. Client was charged with felony Aggravated Driving Under the Influence. Attorney Steven R. Hunter asked the prosecution to reduce the charge to a misdemeanor but initially they refused. After obtaining a great deal of positive information about the client and obtaining a favorable Drug and Alcohol Assessment the prosecution agreed. Felony DUI reduced to misdemeanor probation.
June 1, 2023 - Illegal Gun Possession. Police stopped client on the street as he exited a corner store. In his hands he carried a candy bar and a soda. Police detained him, searched him, and found a gun in the backpack he wore. The police claimed that they saw an L shape in the backpack. Attorney Steven R. Hunter obtained body worn camera video that showed no L shape, and he filed a motion to suppress based on an illegal search. Motion State Nolle Prosse, case dismissed.
May 1, 2023 - Illegal Issuance of Vehicle Registrations and Stickers. Client worked at a currency exchange that had issued dozens of vehicle registrations and stickers to automobiles that were all registered to the same out-of-state address. Attorney Steven R. Hunter attempted to explain to the prosecutors that they could not prove that the client issued the registrations since all workers shared the same account. The court set the case for trial. The day of the trial the prosecutors listened to Attorney Hunter and dismissed the charges. Case dismissed.
March 27, 2023 - Aggravated Domestic Battery and Aggravated Cruelty to Animals. The prosecutor's charged the client with Aggravated Domestic Battery and Aggravated Cruelty to Animals. The Aggravated Domestic Battery charge was a Class 2 felony with a mandatory minimum of no less than 60 days of jail time as part of any sentence. Attorney Steven R. Hunter refused to accept this outcome and set the case for a jury trial when the prosecutors refused to reduce the charges. The day the trial was scheduled to begin the prosecutors agreed to probation for a lesser offense. Charges reduced and a sentence of probation.
March 23, 2023 - Class 1 Drug Offense. When the Cook County Sheriff's police executed a search warrant on a home, they found Attorney Steven R. Hunter's client and six other people inside. They also claimed to have found "proof of residency". The prosecutors charged the client with a non-probationable Class 1 drug offense. At trial, Attorney Steven R. Hunter proved that the so-called proof of residency was a single piece of junk mail. Attorney Hunter further presented proof that his client lived somewhere else on the day of the search. Not Guilty.
March 13, 2023 - Motion to Recall a Warrant. Client had a warrant for his arrest issued when he failed to appear in court for charge of Resisting Arrest and Obstruction of Identification. Attorney Steven R. Hunter filed a motion to quash and recall the warrant and vacate the judgment. At a hearing he established that the client had been in Federal custody at the time of the warrant and was still fighting the Federal court charge. Motion granted, warrant recalled, and charges dismissed.
March 6, 2023 - Stalking No Contact Order. Attorney Steven R. Hunter filed a petition for a plenary stalking no contact order against a woman who skulked around the Client's house, went through his mail and his trash, followed him around and took photographs of him. At the hearing these facts were established, and the court granted a plenary order of protection. No Contact Order granted for client.
January 24, 2023 - Possession of a Firearm at the Airport. The client, who had a FOID and CCL, attempted to board a plane at a Chicago airport but forgot that he had a firearm in the bottom of his carry-on bag. The police reports indicated that, as soon as the officers asked, he had told them that he had forgotten about the gun. Attorney Steven R. Hunter used this, combined with the client's work history and evidence of his good character, to convince the prosecutors to drop the charges. Case dismissed.
January 26, 2023 - Illinois Armed Habitual Criminal Charge. Client was charge with being an Armed Habitual Criminal. Security video showed the client with a gun after being shot. Attorney Steven R. Hunter filed a Necessity defense and demanded trial. Motion state Nolle Prosse, case dismissed.
January 24, 2023 - Possession of Gun at the Airport. The client, who had a FOID and CCL, attempted to board a plane at a Chicago airport but forgot that he had a firearm in the bottom of his carry-on bag. The police reports indicated that he told the officers that he had forgotten about the gun as soon as they asked. Attorney Steven R. Hunter used this, combined with the client's work history and evidence of his good character, to convince the prosecutors to drop the charges. Case dismissed.
January 19, 2023 - Domestic Battery. Client was arrested for Domestic Battery. On the first court date a watermain break caused the courthouse to close. On the second court date Attorney Steven R. Hunter successfully argued for dismissal. Case dismissed.
January 11, 2023 - Illinois Gun Crime. The police performed a traffic stop for not wearing a seatbelt. Soon after the stop, they ordered the client out of the car, and he refused to exit the vehicle. The police forcibly removed him from the car and found a gun in his waistband. The prosecutors charged the client with a gun offense punishable by prison only. Attorney Steven R. Hunter was prepared to litigate a motion to suppress, but the client violated Electronic Monitoring dozens of times and was about to be taken into custody. Instead, Attorney Hunter convinced the prosecutors to reduce the gun charge and agree to probation. Mandatory prison charge reduced, probation.
December 8, 2022 - Felon in Possession of Firearm. The federal indictment in this case charged the client with being a felon in possession of a firearm. Video and audio tape made trial a poor option. Instead, Attorney Steven R. Hunter negotiated a plea agreement which allowed him to argue for a sentence below the United States Sentencing Guidelines recommendation. At sentencing, the judge said that he believed the Guidelines to be too lenient on firearms offenses in general. Nevertheless, Attorney Steven R. Hunter convinced him to impose a below Guidelines sentence. Below Guidelines sentence.
November 29, 2022 - Illinois Stalking Case Order of Protection. Client's next-door neighbor accused him of stalking her and filed for an Order of Protection. Client hired Attorney Steven R. Hunter, who made a motion to dismiss an order of protection that was granted. Motion to dismiss granted.
November 9, 2022 - Firearm Possession by Felon in Illinois. The prosecution charged the client with possession of firearms by a felon. Police POD camera video had been ordered preserved by the court at a Preliminary Hearing, and the order was served on the Office of Emergency Communications. Attorney Steven R. Hunter filed a motion for sanctions based on the illegal destruction of the video. Case dismissed.
November 2, 2022 - False Police Report. Client was charged with filing a false police report after being thrown out of a bar. Audiotape of a 911 call and the client's statement to the police gave the prosecutors a strong case. Attorney Steven R. Hunter convinced the prosecutors to grant a diversion, and, after completing community service, the client's case was dismissed. Case dismissed.
October 24, 2022 - Armed Robbery. Client was recorded on video robbing someone in a mall parking lot. The complaining witness told police that the client had a gun. Attorney Steven R. Hunter convinced the prosecutors that the client had a cellphone that he pretended was a gun. Charges reduced to Aggravated Robbery. The client received a sentence of four years in prison with 50% good time. Charge reduced.
October 21, 2022 - Stalking No Contact Order. The client's neighbor filed a petition for a Stalking No Contact order against the client. Illinois criminal defense attorney Steven R. Hunter served the Respondent with a Motion to Produce witnesses and exhibits. The neighbor failed to do so, and much of her evidence was excluded through a pre-hearing motion by Attorney Hunter. Realizing she was likely to lose, the Petitioner agreed to dismissal. Petition dismissed.
June 30, 2022 - Mandatory Supervised Release Reduction. Client sought to have his federal mandatory supervised release terminated early. Attorney Steven R. Hunter worked with the client to create a compelling argument for early termination. Motion granted.
June 29, 2022 - Attempted Murder. A person known to the client accused him of attempting to kill him on two different dates in September of 2019. Although Attorney Steven R. Hunter managed to convince the Judge to lower the client's bond by hundreds of thousands of dollars, the client could not post the bond. Attorney Hunter prepared for trial and set the case for trial. The client sought a plea agreement, and Attorney Hunter persuaded the prosecution to dismiss one case and recommend to the court a prison sentence of 7 years to a lesser charge. One case dismissed; second case reduced.
June 1, 2022 - Possession of a Firearm. The prosecution charged the client with possession of a firearm at a traffic stop. Attorney Steven R. Hunter successfully convinced the prosecutor that the gun belonged to another occupant of the car. Case dismissed.
May 26, 2022 - Stalking No Contact Petition. A woman from client's neighborhood filed a frivolous petition for a Stalking No Contact order. Attorney Steven R. Hunter researched, wrote and litigated a motion to dismiss, which was granted. Petition Dismissed.
April 25, 2022 - Armed Violence and Other Charges. The client was charged with Armed Violence and several Class X Delivery of Controlled substance counts. The evidence showed that the client sold drugs on three occasions to an undercover police officer. Police arrested him immediately after the third sale and found a handgun. The client gave a videotaped confession. Criminal defense attorney Steven R. Hunter was hired after another attorney failed to get results. Mr. Hunter spent three years compiling mitigation evidence showing that the client had an otherwise perfect record, strong work history and supported his family, including a daughter with severe medical needs. His persuasion worked, and the client received probation to a reduced charge. Class X offense reduced, probation.
April 14, 2022 - Controlled Substance Distribution. Client was charged with Distribution of a Controlled Substance in Federal court. Due to wiretaps and a post-arrest confession, trial was not an option. He initially faced a mandatory minimum of 60 months and a Guidelines range of 70 to 87 months. The prosecution agreed to strike the drug quantity, which lowered the client's Guidelines range to 21 to 27 months. At sentencing the judge imposed the low end of the range, committing the client to the Bureau of Prison for 21 months. Mandatory Minimum Removed.
April 13, 2022 - Aggravated Discharge of a Firearm. The prosecution accused the client of shooting at a vehicle that individuals had stolen. The police arrived at the scene after a "shot-spotter" alert. They observed shell casings on the ground and began to question the client and his cousin. Body worn camera video revealed that they entered the foyer of the client's apartment building. Once inside, one of the officers opened the unlocked door of the client's apartment and saw a firearm. He asked the client, who possessed a Firearm Owner's Identification Card (FOID), and a Concealed Carry License (CCL), if the firearm belonged to him. When the client said that it did, the police immediately arrested the client and then searched his apartment. During the search they found two more firearms. Later, at the police station the client made an incriminating statement admitting to the shooting. Attorney Steven R. Hunter researched, wrote, and litigated a motion to suppress the evidence based on an illegal search. The court agreed and ordered the firearms suppressed. Without that evidence the prosecution told the court they could not prove their case and dismissed all charges. Motion granted, Case dismissed.
April 5, 2022 - Felony Unlawful Use of Weapon. The police conducted a traffic stop and found a firearm under the client's seat. They then searched the client and found a magazine for that gun in her purse. Attorney Steven R. Hunter persuaded the prosecutors to reduce the charge to a misdemeanor and to agree to a sentence of probation. Felony gun charge reduced to misdemeanor.
March 31, 2022 - Gun Charge. The police found a gun in a compartment behind the glove box of the client's vehicle after a traffic stop. Attorney Steven R. Hunter obtained evidence showing that the client had recently purchased the car and that other people used the vehicle. He then convinced the prosecutor that he could not prove that the client knew the gun was behind the glove box. Since knowledge is an element of the offense, the prosecutors dismissed the gun charge and accepted a plea to improper use of vehicle registration. Gun Charge dismissed.
January 25, 2022 - Battery. Client was charged with simple battery. The client and a female food delivery person got into an argument. During the argument, the woman kicked the client's car and spit at him. In response, he allegedly punched her in the face. Security video shows the woman afterward with a large bruise and a gash on her face, bleeding profusely. Attorney Steven R. Hunter negotiated a plea agreement for non-reporting court Supervision, which the client will be able to expunge in the future. Supervision.
January 20, 2022 - Conspiracy to Distribute Fentanyl and Heroin. Federal prosecutors charged the client with Conspiracy to Distribute Fentanyl and Heroin. The client had minimal criminal history, so his initial Guidelines range was 21 to 27 months in prison. Attorney Steven R. Hunter guided the client to reductions in his offense level for acceptance of responsibility and for a "Safety Valve" proffer under 18 U.S.C. 3553(f), the client had a Guidelines range of 12 to 18 months. During a contested sentencing hearing, Attorney Steven R. Hunter presented evidence of the client's family background, work history, and minimal involvement in the conspiracy. Mr. Hunter's convincing arguments resulted in a sentence of 30 days in custody. 30-day sentence.
December 1, 2021 - Possession of Methamphetamine. Client had two prior probation sentences for similar felonies in his background and was still serving one probation sentence at the time of his arrest on the new case. Attorney Steven R. Hunter had the family enroll the client in high quality drug treatment. After months of progress, he created a mitigation package that included glowing treatment reports as well as proof of education, employment, and other positive information. The prosecution refused to agree to more probation, so Mr. Hunter requested a 402 conference. Under Illinois Supreme Court Rule 402, the attorneys and the judge can meet and discuss a sentence, so long as all parties agree to the conference. At the conference Mr. Hunter convinced the judge to sentence his client to a third term of probation. From there he convinced the probation judge to do the same. Third probation.
November 2, 2021 - Firearms Charges and Domestic Battery. Client was charged with multiple firearms offenses by a felon and Domestic Battery. Most of them were Class 2 offenses with a sentencing range of 3-7 years in prison. One was a Class 3 felony with a range of 2-5 years in prison. Attorney Steven R. Hunter reviewed the evidence, which included security video showing Client knock his former girlfriend to the ground by punching her in the face. However, no firearm was visible, and the police recovered it from another individual's car. That individual claimed that the client had put it there. Mr. Hunter filed pre-trial motions and was set for trial. At that point, the former girlfriend told the prosecutors about incriminating statements our Client made during calls to her from the jail. Attorney Steven R. Hunter still managed to persuade the prosecutor to drop all the Class 2 charges and agree to a four-year sentence on one gun charge and the domestic battery charge. Defendants should never talk about their case with anyone but their lawyer, especially on a recorded line. Charges reduced.
October 14, 2021 - Federal Firearms Charge. Federal prosecutors indicted the client, who had a prior felony conviction, with a firearms offense. The case originated from a traffic stop based on Client's allegedly failing to signal more than 100 feet before a turn. Police ordered the client out of the car because they said he seemed nervous and was very sweaty. The client obeyed police orders and exited his car. The police then handcuffed him, lifted his shirt and found a small bag of cannabis. After that, they searched the client's vehicle and found a handgun in the center console. Attorney Steven R. Hunter researched and wrote a motion to suppress. In it, he challenged the validity of the stop, the right of the police to order Client out of his vehicle, the search of his person and the search of the vehicle. The court sided with Mr. Hunter and suppressed the gun. Without that evidence the prosecution dismissed the charges. Motion granted; Federal firearms charge dismissed.
September 13, 2021 - Domestic Battery. Client's teenage son left the family home despite being grounded. When he returned an argument occurred during which it is alleged that the client choked and "bear hugged" the teen. The police were called. When they arrived, they observed injuries to the teen and Client was charged with domestic battery. Attorney Steven R. Hunter persuaded the prosecutors to defer prosecution. The client completed anger management and parenting skills classes and the case was dismissed. Deferred prosecution, case dismissed.
September 9, 2021 - Armed Habitual Criminal Charge. This offense is a Class X felony, and anyone convicted must serve 85% of their sentence. Normally, defendants earn 50% good time.
Police body worn camera video showed the police randomly searching Black male individuals at a street party. As the police approached the client, he tried to quickly walk away but was detained. A pat-down search quickly revealed a handgun in his waistband. Attorney Steven R. Hunter filed a motion to suppress the evidence. Shortly before the hearing, the prosecutor offered to reduce the charge to a Class 2 Unlawful Use of Weapon and recommend a sentence of 5 years with day for day good time. The client had so much time in custody and on electronic monitoring that he only had to serve a few more months, so he accepted the offer. Charge reduced.
August 31, 2021 - Felony Aggravated Battery and Resisting Arrest, Unlawful Use of a Weapon. Client had two cases when Attorney Steven R. Hunter was hired. In the first case, prosecutors charged the client with Felony Aggravated Battery and Resisting Arrest. In the second case, the client was charged with Unlawful Use of a Weapon. After his second arrest he was being held on no bail based on a violation of bail bond petition.
As soon the client's family hired Attorney Steven R. Hunter, he wrote, filed, and litigated a motion to set bond. At that hearing Mr. Hunter convinced the Judge to set a $10,000 D bond, and the client posted the required 10% and was released.
In the Aggravated Battery case, the client can be seen on police body worn camera video fighting with another person. The police break up the fight. Later, the client can be seen on video screaming at other people and attempting to reinitiate the fight. When an officer restrains him, the video shows him begin to fight with the officer. He is arrested and charged with Felony Aggravated Battery by allegedly committing a battery to a police officer, as well as resisting arrest. Attorney Steven R. Hunter obtained mitigation showing the client's lack of criminal history, school record, employment history and other positive facts. He then persuaded the prosecution to reduce the Aggravated Battery to a misdemeanor and offer him probation. Charge reduced to misdemeanor, sentence of probation.
August 19, 2021 - Resisting Arrest. The client was stopped for a minor traffic violation. The officer's body worn camera video showed that he intended to give her a warning, but the client argued with the officer, then refused to sign the ticket or cooperate in any way. Eventually the officer arrested her, which she physically and verbally resisted. All of this occurred on the video. Attorney Steven R. Hunter compiled mitigation and persuaded the prosecutor to agree to dismiss the case after the client completed Anger Management counseling and community service. Case dismissed.
July 29, 2021 - Felony Weapons Case. Client was arrested for felony weapons charges. A separate charge of misdemeanor criminal damage to property was filed in the domestic violence courthouse. The criminal damage to property case alleged that the defendant broke a window with a firearm. After the client pled guilty to possessing the firearm Attorney Steven R. Hunter moved to dismiss the misdemeanor under one act/one crime principles. The court granted the motion, but the prosecution made a motion to reconsider three weeks later. That motion was denied and the dismissal was entered. Case Dismissed.
July 21, 2021 - Domestic Battery. Client arrested for Domestic Battery on the mere say-so of a disgruntled girlfriend, and not for the first time. Attorney Steven R. Hunter argued her history of false accusations and the court granted his client an I-bond. On the day of trial, the complaining witness failed to appear, and the case was dismissed. Case Dismissed.
July 13, 2021 - Order of Protection. Client was the subject of a petition for an Order of Protection from her roommate. The allegations were petty, but the living situation was toxic. Attorney Steven R. Hunter negotiated a deal where the client moved to a new apartment and the Petitioner dismissed the case. Petition Dismissed.
July 9, 2021 - Aggravated Unlawful Use of Weapon. The prosecution originally charged the client with a serious gun felony. Attorney Steven R. Hunter researched, wrote, and filed a Fourth Amendment Motion to Suppress. At the same time, he obtained mitigation evidence and used it to persuade the prosecution to reduce the charge to a misdemeanor. Felony Reduced to Misdemeanor.
July 7, 2021 - Aggravated Unlawful Use of a Weapon. The prosecution charged the client with several gun felonies, including Aggravated Unlawful Use of a Weapon by felon. His background allowed for the imposition of an enhanced sentence under 730 ILCS 5/5-4.5-110 of 7 to 14 years. Attorney Steven R. Hunter obtained evidence showing that his client responded to a physical attack. The prosecution agreed to reduce the charge and recommend a sentence of 4 years. Mr. Hunter also obtained sentencing credit for the client for work he had done in the Cook County jail. Charge Reduced.
June 23, 2021 - Federal Drug Charge. Client was charged with a serious Federal Drug case. Attorney Steven R. Hunter negotiated a plea agreement earned his client a Safety Valve reduction and that allowed him to argue at the sentencing hearing for a punishment below the mandatory minimum sentence and below range set forth in the United States Sentencing Guidelines. At that hearing, Steven R. Hunter persuaded the court to impose a sentence that was 48 months below the mandatory minimum and below the Guidelines range. Sentence below Statutory minimum and Guidelines.
June 15, 2021 - Family Dispute. Client's brother filed a petition against her because she called DCFS on him. He alleged that client had contact with his daughter behind his back. Attorney Steven R. Hunter negotiated a cooling off period of 90 days, after which the case was dropped. Petition Dismissed.
May 27, 2021 - Burglary Case. Client accused of Burglary by going into the back of a grocery and stealing items from the storage area. Attorney Steven R. Hunter negotiated a charge reduction to felony Retail Theft and 18 months of non-reporting probation. Charge Reduced.
May 25, 2021 - Order of Protection Case. Client filed a petition for an Order of Protection pro se. The respondent hired an attorney who filed an extremely aggressive response with many factual allegations alleging the petition to be false, and demanding attorney's fees. The Respondent supported the filing with a sworn affidavit. Client hired Attorney Steven R. Hunter, who presented opposing counsel with evidence proving that the Respondent's allegations and affidavit had false statements. The opposing party agreed to the entry of a no contact order against them. No Contact Order Obtained.
May 18, 2021 - Early Release. Client asked Attorney Steven R. Hunter to help him seek early termination of his Federal Mandatory Supervised Release. Mr. Hunter contacted the client's probation officer and enlisted his support, then filed a motion for early termination. Motion Granted; Supervised Release Terminated.
May 7, 2021 - Criminal Record Expungement. Client contacted Attorney Steven R. Hunter years after Mr. Hunter first represented him, seeking an expungement. Mr. Hunter filed the petition with supporting documents, but the prosecutors objected and a contested hearing on the expungement petition took place. Attorney Steven R. Hunter successfully argued that his client minor out-of-state criminal background should not prevent him from expunging his record. Petition Granted.
May 6, 2021 - Multiple Charges. Client charged with Aggravated Unlawful Use of Weapon by Felon, possession of a felony amount of Cannabis with Intent to Deliver, and a violation of probation. Attorney Steven R. Hunter researched and wrote a Fourth Amendment motion and at the same time submitted mitigation evidence arguing for a reduced charge. Originally the prosecution offered 3 years as charged, but after fighting the case for some time they agreed to reduce the charges and offered two years. The client had been on Electronic Monitoring for many months and had served most of his sentence. Charges Reduced.
April 5, 2021 - Reckless Gun Use. Client accused of firing a gun in a reckless manner and without a valid FOID card. This resulted in several charges, including 430 ILCS 65(2)(1a)(1). Because his FOID had previously been revoked, it became an offense that required a prison sentence. After fighting the case for two years, Attorney Steven R. Hunter persuaded the prosecution to dismiss two of the counts and offer probation. Charges Reduced.
March 29, 2021 - Domestic Battery. Client accused of hitting family members with a plastic rod during an argument. No injuries occurred. Attorney Steven R. Hunter negotiated a pretrial diversion, during which he completed certain classes. After completion, the prosecution moved to Nolle Prosse the case. Case Dismissed.
February 17, 2021 - Supervised Release Early Termination. Client sought to have his Federal Supervised Release terminated early. Attorney Steven R. Hunter obtained evidence of client's employment, education, and opportunities outside of the Northern District of Illinois. Then Mr. Hunter filed a motion for early termination of mandatory supervised release. Motion Granted; Supervised Release Terminated.
September 3, 2020 - Domestic Battery. Client accused by his girlfriend of battery. She waited an entire day before filing a complaint, even though the client was living with her and her daughter. The only visible injuries were bruises on her shins. Attorney Steven R. Hunter indicated to the prosecutor that the case would go to trial. Case Dismissed (Day of Trial).
August 21, 2020 - Order of Protection Case. Client's neighbor filed for a Petition for an Order of Protection against her. In an Ex Parte proceeding she was awarded an Emergency Order that required the client to move out of her apartment building. Attorney Steven R. Hunter filed an emergency motion to modify the order, which was granted. Several months later, on the hearing date, the Petitioner did not appear, and Mr. Hunter moved to have the case dismissed and the Emergency Order vacated. Petition Dismissed.
June 23, 2020 - Motion for Compassionate Release. Client had been found guilty of a Federal criminal copyright violation and sentenced to 10 months in the Bureau of Prisons (BOP). After he reported to a BOP facility, the Covid-19 crisis occurred. The client had a heart problem that made him high-risk for death or serious illness, and he was housed in a facility with a number of coronavirus cases and one death. Attorney Steven R. Hunter made a motion for compassionate release under 18 U.S.C. 3582(c)(1)(A), with detailed statistics about the number of Coronavirus cases in the client's prison and with medical records documenting his health issues. The court agreed and granted the motion. The client was released from prison. Client Released from the Bureau of Prisons.
April 15, 2020 - Motion for Emergency Release. The client had waived his detention hearing and been held in custody since being arrested for a Federal Fraud charge involving law enforcement. After plea negotiations, he pled guilty. The client's health history makes him high-risk for dying from the Covid-19 virus. Attorney Steven R. Hunter moved the Emergency Judge to release the client on conditions in order to safe-guard his health. The prosecution opposed release, arguing that because the client had already pled guilty there was no statutory authority to grant him a bond. The court agreed with the defense and released the client to a third-party custodian with electronic monitoring. Client Released Pending Sentencing.
April 8, 2020 - Emergency Bond Motion for Unlawful Use of Weapon by Felon. The defendant was being held on no bond after bond court. During the time he was being held, the Covid-19 public health crisis became widespread, and the Cook County jail became a coronavirus hotspot. Criminal defense attorney Steven R. Hunter successfully argued that due to the risk to the defendant's health he should be released on electronic monitoring. Client Released on Bond.
March 30, 2020 - Possession of a Controlled Substance. The client was arrested for a DUI. The police conducted a search at the time of the arrest and found several pills for a prescription drug. The client did not have a prescription and was charged with Possession of a Controlled Substance. Attorney Steven R. Hunter obtained a letter from a friend of the client stating that he had spilled his prescription pill bottle in the car earlier that evening. Mr. Hunter also obtained a copy of the friend's prescription. He submitted these materials to the prosecutor in a mitigation package, and the prosecution subsequently dismissed the case. Case Dismissed.
March 16, 2020 - Retail Theft. The client was arrested at a big-box department store past the point of purchase with unpaid-for merchandise. Under the Illinois retail theft statute, being past the point of purchase creates a presumption that the person intends to steal the merchandise. Attorney Steven R. Hunter negotiated an agreement where the client agreed to stay out of the store for one year and not to have any new charges in exchange for a dismissal of the retail theft case. The year passed without any problems and the case was dismissed. Case Dismissed.
January 17, 2020 - Misdemeanor Battery. Client was in line at a White Castle when a line-jumper tried to cut in and bumped his vehicle, and then after a brief argument she fled the scene of the accident at a high rate of speed. By the time the client caught up to her, she had been in a car accident and told the responding officers that she was fleeing a battery. The police arrested the client. At trial, Attorney Steven R. Hunter established that the complaining witness had left the scene of a traffic accident and then caused another traffic accident, giving her ample motive to lie. In addition, he showed the court that there were no injuries to the complaining witness and no witnesses to her version of events, even though the supposed battery occurred in a crowded parking lot. Not Guilty.
January 9, 2020 - Petition for Order of Protection. The client was served with an emergency order of protection a few days before it was scheduled for the first court date in Kane County. The judge presiding over the case had a reputation for refusing continuances and forcing petitioners to go to a hearing immediately. In addition, the client had a job interview coming up and needed the case disposed of quickly. Attorney Steven R. Hunter obtained texts and emails from his client. The texts and emails were from his former girlfriend and her new boyfriend, and they showed that the harassment was going in both directions. He convinced the opposing attorney to dismiss the Petition for an Order of Protection in exchange for agreeing to an injunctive order that would not interfere with the client's job prospects. Petition Dismissed.
December 2, 2020 - Battery. The client was charged with battery against a Comcast technician. Attorney Steven R. Hunter moved to have the battery case dismissed when the technician failed to appear in court. The court granted the motion. Case Dismissed.
November 19, 2019 and November 21, 2019 - Federal Gun and Drug Charges. Detention Hearing. The prosecution moved to have the client held in custody while fighting the gun and drugs case. Attorney Steven R. Hunter emphasized his client's youth and lack of serious criminal history. He also had the client's parents appear at the hearing and agree to act as third-party custodians. The client was released on electronic monitoring and allowed to live at the home of his parents while fighting his case. Client Released on Bond.
November 4, 2019 - Domestic Battery. Client was accused of punching the back seat passenger of a car, a relative of his, with a closed fist during an argument. In cases like these, it's important to understand how to win domestic battery criminal cases in Illinois and to do the needed investigative work to prepare for trial. Serving as his client's domestic battery criminal defense lawyer, Attorney Steven R. Hunter obtained a photo of injuries to the client's face, via body-worn camera from several police and interviewed two eyewitnesses. Mr. Hunter set the domestic battery case for trial and was prepared to prove that the complaining witness attacked his client, not the other way around. On the day this Illinois domestic battery trial was to start, the prosecutors dismissed the charges. Case Dismissed.
October 23, 2019 - Driving with No Valid License, no insurance, no registration, failing to stop at stop sign, cracked windshield. Client worked with Attorney Steven R. Hunter to obtain a valid driver's license, valid registration and insurance, after the fact. With this late compliance, Attorney Steven R. Hunter persuaded the prosecutor to dismiss all tickets. Charges Dismissed.
October 16, 2019 - Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol. After winning the hearing to rescind the Summary Suspension, Attorney Steven R. Hunter went to trial on the criminal charge of DUI. The State Trooper testified in this Illinois DUI trial that the defendant swerved repeatedly, did not pull his car over for one mile after the State Trooper's emergency lights were activated, had a strong odor of alcohol and an open champagne bottle in his car. Attorney Hunter, a highly experienced Chicago DUI lawyer, effectively cross-examined the police officer with reports and the squad car camera video. He proved that his client passed some of the Field Sobriety tests and that the Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus test was not administered properly, that the client had no trouble standing or walking, and that the bottle was completely empty. Not Guilty of DUI.
October 16, 2019 - Armed Robbery, Aggravated Kidnapping, Aggravated Battery. Client was accused of luring an abusive boyfriend to her home and then having a co-defendant severely beat him. The complaining witness was hospitalized with serious injuries. Attorney Steven R. Hunter, a veteran criminal defense attorney based in Chicago, investigated the case and cast doubt on the victim's claims that his wallet was taken and that he was held against his will. With this evidence, Attorney Hunter convinced the prosecutor to dismiss the Armed Robbery and Aggravated Kidnapping charges, which carry mandatory prison sentences of at least 6 years, and to recommend a sentence of probation. Charges Reduced.
September 19, 2019. Petition for Order of Protection. Attorney Steven R. Hunter represented the petitioner in this case. She had been representing herself and obtained an order of protection against a family member. The Respondent hired a lawyer who submitted a motion to reconsider the Judge's ruling to grant her an Order of Protection. At that point, she hired Attorney Steven R. Hunter, because she feared for her safety and did want to take any chances. Mr. Hunter, who has a decades-long track record in helping clients with protection order hearings, researched and wrote a Reply to the Respondent's motion, and the motion went to hearing. At a hearing on the motion, the court agreed with Mr. Hunter's argument that there was no new evidence or new law upon which to base the Respondent's request to vacate the Order of Protection. Order of Protection Granted.
September 17, 2019 - Petition for an Order of Protection. Attorney Steven R. Hunter represented the Respondent in an Order of Protection petition. The Respondent's ex-girlfriend filed an Order of Protection Petition claiming, amongst other things, that he had run his car into her car and that he had physically assaulted her on several occasions. Attorney Steven R. Hunter, who has helped many individuals to fight Order of Protection petitions in Illinois, presented a witness who testified to having witnessed her punch and push the Respondent, giving him a fat lip on one occasion. Mr. Hunter also introduced photos of the Client's care that had no damage. The court found the Petitioner unbelievable and the Respondent credible. Petition Denied.
September 16, 2019 - Unlawful Use of Weapon. Knowledge and experience can sometimes win a case without a trial. In this case, the Client was arrested inside a hotel room, and the police found a gun in a briefcase. He had an Indiana license to carry the firearm. The Indiana license is not valid in Illinois. However, there is a provision that allows a person to possess a firearm if they are in their "legal dwelling". Attorney Steven R. Hunter, an experience weapons and gun crimes criminal defense attorney, argued to the prosecutor that having the gun in a hotel room was not actually a crime because it was a legal dwelling. The police report indicated that the police alleged he admitted taking the gun from his car to his hotel room, which they asserted violated the statute. However, under Illinois law, proof that a crime occurred requires a corpus delecti, or in other words evidence beyond a mere statement that the crime occurred. In the end, the Client agreed to an order confiscating and destroying the gun in exchange for the unlawful use of a weapon charges being dismissed. Case Dismissed.
September 9, 2019 - Domestic Battery. The Client was accused in Kane County Circuit Court of tackling his girlfriend on their driveway and causing injuries to her knee, hip, elbow, hand and shoulder. Our Kane County domestic battery criminal defense attorneys were retained by our client, who believed he was unjustly accused of the crime. At trial, Attorney Steven R. Hunter proved that the girlfriend had taken the Client's computer monitor and was threatening to throw it into a snowbank. At that point, the Client chased after her and tried to grab the monitor. In the process, he slid into her and they both fell. At the end of this Kane County domestic battery criminal case trial, the court agreed that the incident was an accident and not a crime. Not Guilty.
August 20, 2019 - Petition for Order of Protection. Client, who was seeking an Order of Protection, shared a residence with another individual who enlisted family members to threaten the client to the point that he left his home. The court entered an Emergency Order of Protection. Prior to the hearing Attorney Steven R. Hunter filed a Motion to Produce and a Request to Admit Facts under the Illinois Rules of Civil Procedure. This helped to establish the threats, along with text messages provided by the client. In the face of this evidence the Respondent and the Respondent's attorney agreed to a 6-month Order requiring the Respondent to have no contact with the client. The client chose to relocate and is confident that he will have no future contact with the Respondent. Order Granted.
July 2, 2019 - Federal Narcotics charge. The client was accused of selling drugs to an undercover informant. Several transactions were secretly videotaped. The prosecution also had hours of recorded telephone calls, as well as numerous text messages. The prosecution had filed an 851 notice, which resulted in doubling the client's mandatory minimum from 5 years to 10 years. Attorney Steven R. Hunter, a well-regarded drug crimes attorney, filed a motion to compel discovery and notice of intent to pursue an entrapment defense. This would have almost certainly required the prosecution to call the informant to testify. Rather than expose the informant, the prosecution agreed to withdraw the 851. At sentencing, Attorney Steven R. Hunter successfully argued for the minimum 5 years sentence, and even persuaded the court to make 2 years concurrent with a State sentence which the client was already serving. Minimum sentence.
June 12, 2019 - Driving Under the Influence. The client was discovered by police behind the steering wheel of his car while the engine was still running. The police administered field sobriety test that were recorded by the squad car video camera. The client performed poorly. He was arrested and agreed to take a breathalyzer, which resulted in a blood alcohol level about .2, which is very high. Attorney Steven R. Hunter, an experience DUI lawyer, obtained and presented positive information about the client and persuaded the prosecution to offer the client a sentence of Supervision, thus avoiding a conviction and license revocation. Supervision for DUI Charge.
April 10, 2019 - Domestic Battery and Criminal Damage to Property. The client was arrested for domestic battery against his wife at their home. The client had called the police after his wife had hit him, cutting one of her fingers on his teeth in the process. The police arrived, saw the cut, and arrested the client, despite the fact that he called them to the scene. The police alleged that on the way out of the building the client kicked and shattered a glass door, so an additional charge of Criminal Damage to Property was filed. In court, Attorney Steven R. Hunter highlighted the wife's attack and the fact that the client called the police, and successfully persuaded the prosecutors to drop the charges. Case dismissed.
April 5, 2019 - Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol. The client was arrested by Chicago Police after a minor accident. The accident occurred near the client's home. He bumped his head in the accident, and, after providing information to the other driver's husband, he went home. About two hours later Chicago Police forced him to come out of his house and arrested him. At the police station, he failed a breathalyzer test. At trial, Steven R. Hunter, an experienced Chicago DUI attorney, successfully argued that no one had testified as to the client's condition at the time of the accident and therefore the prosecution had failed to prove the client guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. The judge agreed. Not Guilty, DUI.
March 27, 2019 - Petition for Order of Protection. Client, who was opposing an Order of Protection, hired Attorney Steven R. Hunter to fight the petition. Mr. Hunter successfully persuaded the court to dismiss the petition and vacate the Emergency Order that had been entered before Mr. Hunter was hired. Order denied.
March 26, 2019 - Retail Theft. Getting arrested when you are not a U.S. citizen requires a criminal lawyer who understands how one's immigration status may be affected. Our foreign-born client hired Mr. Hunter to represent her on a retail theft charge. The victim, an upscale national department store in downtown Chicago, wanted to pursue criminal charges against her. Our client faced deportation, if convicted. Mr. Hunter obtained mitigation materials about the client. He successfully negotiated with the Cook County State's Attorney's Office for his client to travel to her homeland, be excused from appearing in court and a dismissal of the retail theft charges. This dismissal allowed the client to return to the United States at a later date to be with family without fear of deportation. Retail Theft Charges Dismissed.
March 25, 2019 - Disobeying lane designation. Attorney Naomi J. Bank represented the Client for a traffic offense. The client was ticketed after a minor accident. She emphasized the client's clean record and the circumstances of the infraction and persuaded the prosecution to dismiss the ticket. Case dismissed.
March 14, 2019 - Unlawful Use of Weapon. The client was charged with felony Unlawful Use of a Weapon. The case involved a traffic stop, during which the police stated that they found a gun under the passenger seat where the client was seated. The firearm had a defaced serial number. Other occupants in the car made statements incriminating the client, making it difficult for us to use any of the many effective criminal defense strategies for Illinois Unlawful Use of Weapons (UUW) charges that we have used in past weapons violations cases. Criminal defense attorney Steven R. Hunter obtained mitigation and persuaded the prosecutors to offer probation to the one count where prison was not required. Mandatory Prison Sentence Avoided, Sentence of Probation.
February 5, 2019 - Federal Possession of Firearm by Felon charge. The client was accused of being in the passenger seat of a vehicle that had three other occupants. The client owned the car. The police approached the car and claimed that they smelled cannabis and began to take the occupants out of the car. The client allegedly fled and was arrested eight months later. When the police searched the car, they found a handgun under the driver's seat, where the client was alleged to have been sitting. At trial, all three occupants of the car identified the client as the driver, and all three denied ever possessing or seeing a gun. Attorney Steven R. Hunter argued that one of the other occupants could have placed the gun under the car seat. The result was a deadlocked jury and the case being set for a re-trial. Deadlocked Jury.
February 11, 2019 - Domestic Battery. The client hired Mr. Hunter as his criminal defense attorney to represent him in a domestic battery case in Maywood, Illinois. Mr. Hunter conducted a thorough investigation of the case which established that his client was not the aggressor. The complainant trumped up charges against Mr. Hunter's client because of jealousy and rage, and in fact, she was the aggressor. The complainant appeared in court ready to testify against her former boyfriend. Mr. Hunter convinced the prosecutor that the allegation against his client were false. Charges were dismissed without going to trial. Frequently there are two sides to every story. Mr. Hunter has witnessed time and time again that there are hidden motives behind accusing someone of domestic battery. He is here to listen to you, investigate for you, and advocate for you. Domestic Battery Charges Dismissed.
February 7, 2019 - Domestic Battery. Our client was arrested and charged in McHenry County with domestic battery while in the middle of contentious divorce proceedings in Lake County. The divorce court judge had already entered an order of protection against the client (Mr. Hunter was not the attorney for the divorce case). McHenry County prosecutors initially insisted that our client receive a domestic battery conviction, based in part on the allegation that the client had texted the photo of a gun. Mr. Hunter, an experienced McHenry County domestic battery attorney, fought back against the prosecutor's demands. Mr. Hunter collected mitigation materials about his client's successful business career and obtained evidence that the complaining witness texted a photo of a gun to the client first and that they were both gun enthusiasts. Mr. Hunter convinced the prosecutors that their case was weak and negotiated a dismissal of the domestic battery charge as part of a diversion agreement, thus saving our client from having a criminal record. Case Dismissed.
February 6, 2019 - Possession of a Controlled Substance with Intent to Deliver, Unlawful Use of Weapon by Felon. Our client was charged with possession of a controlled substance with intent to deliver 400-900 grams of heroin and fentanyl and unlawful use of weapon by a felon. Chicago police executed a search warrant listing our client as the target and found drugs and a gun. Mr. Hunter appeared in court for the client and obtained police reports. After reviewing these documents with his client, Mr. Hunter determined that the Cook County State's Attorney's Office had insufficient evidence to convict his client. Subsequent appearances in court on the client's behalf resulted in all charges being dismissed. Case Dismissed.
January 16, 2019 - Police investigation. The Melrose Park Police left a message for the client indicating that they wished to speak to him about an alleged sexual assault to a child. The Law Office of Steven R. Hunter thoroughly explained what the client and his family could expect to happen at the police station and counseled the client about his constitutional rights. Being retained at the earliest stages of a sexual assault investigation allowed for zealous representation at a critical time -- when the police and prosecutors try to intimidate you, your family and friends into making statements to secure an arrest. The Hunter Law Office accompanied the client to the police station, spoke with police detectives involved in the case, asserted the client's 5th Amendment right to remain silent at the station and directed the detectives that neither they nor prosecutors could question our client without Mr. Hunter being present. Our client walked out of the police station with no charges being filed against him. No Charges Filed.
January 2, 2019 - Domestic Battery. Client was arrested in McHenry County and charged with Domestic Battery. Wife went to Emergency Room with a broken wrist. Wife claimed she fell accidentally. Police were notified, went to the marital home and arrested the Client. At trial, the wife changed her story and claimed the defendant pushed her. She also claimed that she had bruises on her arms caused by the Client grabbing her. The defense showed that she changed her story by having the Emergency Room physician testify that she denied domestic violence. In addition, Attorney Steven R. Hunter destroyed the credibility of the wife by having the police and ER doctor testify that she had no bruises on her arms and that she had filed for divorce just before changing her story. Not Guilty.
November 27, 2018 - Felony Identity Theft. Despite multiple identity theft cases in other counties, Attorney Steven R. Hunter compiled mitigation evidence of Client's good character and persuaded the prosecution to reduce the charge to misdemeanor Theft. The Client was sentenced to Conditional Discharge. Charge reduced to misdemeanor.
November 13, 2018 - Early Termination of Supervised Release. Client was on Mandatory Supervised Release (MSR), for a Federal drug charge. The MSR was for 8 years. Attorney Steven R. Hunter successfully persuaded the court to terminate the Client's MSR early so that he could pursue work opportunities in a different part of the country. Supervised Release Terminated Early.
October 29, 2018 - Armed Violence and Possession of a Controlled Substance. Police and prosecutors used an informant to engage in alleged drug transactions with the Client while he was allegedly armed with a handgun. Client hired Attorney Steven R. Hunter to represent him on the armed violence charge and drug possession charge. Mr. Hunter obtained case law through legal research establishing that if the case went to trial, the prosecutors would have to produce the confidential informant. In addition, Mr. Hunter was able to show the State that Client is not the typical defendant and that he had a college degree, no criminal history and a strong record of employment. Thus, Mr. Hunter managed to convince the Prosecutor to reduce Client's sentence from a Class X (mandatory 6-30 years in prison) to a Class 4 felony and to recommend probation. Charge reduced from a Class X (6-30 years) to a Class 4 felony, sentence of probation.
October 23, 2018 - Aggravated Unlawful Use of Weapons and Aggravated Domestic Violence. Client engaged in a verbal altercation with his wife, while he was armed with a handgun and wearing body armor. Client allegedly choked the victim. Client hired Attorney Steven R. Hunter, who was able to prove to the Prosecutor that the complaining witness exaggerated some of her claims, and it was also established that the Client worked as a licensed, armed security guard and was getting ready to go to work. In handling this Illinois aggravated domestic violence case, Mr. Hunter managed to persuade the State to reduce the Domestic Battery charges to a misdemeanor. In addition, he convinced the Prosecutor to dismiss the gun charges. The final sentence was a two-year probation. Aggravated Domestic Violence reduced from felony to misdemeanor charges and Gun charges dismissed.
October 18, 2018 - Domestic Battery. The Client was accused of knowingly and intentionally causing bodily harm to his girlfriend. More precisely, Client allegedly pulled victim from bed during a verbal altercation and shoved and choked her, causing bruises on her neck and face. Client hired Attorney Steven R. Hunter, an experienced domestic battery criminal defense attorney, who successfully argued that it was both Client and complaining witness being aggressive toward each other and persuaded the prosecutor to dismiss the charges.
October 11, 2018 - DUI and Improper Lane Usage. Client arrested after a minor accident. Client was elderly, and while the case was pending developed health issues that made it unlikely he would be able to drive again. Illinois DUI trial attorney Steven R. Hunter effectively gathered documentation that showed that Client suffered from various chronic health conditions and successfully convinced the prosecutor to reduce the charges. DUI reduced to Reckless Driving.
October 10, 2018 - Domestic Battery. Client's wife accused him of hitting and choking her. She also alleged prior abuse by him against her. Client hired Attorney Steven R. Hunter, a seasoned criminal defense lawyer for domestic battery cases, who prepared for trial. At the trial, Mr. Hunter was able to show that the complaining witness' statements were inconsistent with police testimony. Mr. Hunter also called a witness for the defense who testified to past instances of violence by the wife against the husband. Not Guilty.
October 9, 2018 - Client was serving time in Federal prison and had open warrants in Cook County for separate cases of Battery and DUI. Attorney Steven R. Hunter persuaded the prosecutors to dismiss the charges in both cases so that the Client was eligible for work release and other programs.
August 13, 2018 - Domestic Battery. Client was arrested for Domestic Battery after the police received a call about a bleeding woman in the lobby of an apartment building. That woman was the Client's spouse. Before Attorney Steven R. Hunter was hired, a bond hearing was held. The bond court judge granted bond. Originally the judge ordered Electronic Monitoring (EM) but struck the condition when he learned that the Client needed to reside in Will County because one of his bond conditions required him not to return to the marital home. Unfortunately, the clerk never struck the condition from the paperwork sent to the Cook County Sheriff. The Sheriff's office would only release him on EM, and only in Cook County. The client was released to the home of a friend, but the friend was only willing to house him for a few days. Mr. Hunter obtained a transcript of the bond hearing and filed an Emergency Motion, which was granted. The client was then taken off EM and moved to Will County. Later, Mr. Hunter compiled mitigation evidence in favor of the Client and persuaded the prosecutors to reduce the charge to Disorderly Conduct, with a condition of counseling. Domestic Battery reduced to Disorderly Conduct.
August 1, 2018 - Domestic Battery. Client was arrested and charged with Domestic Battery against his girlfriend. Attorney Steven R. Hunter was hired to get the Illinois domestic battery charges dismissed or otherwise prevail in this domestic violence criminal case. On the court date, the girlfriend failed to appear. The prosecutors sought a continuance, but Attorney Steven R. Hunter successfully argued against it. The State had no choice but to strike the case from the call. Case dismissed.
July 18, 2018 - Domestic Battery. The client was accused of battery by her ex-boyfriend, along with criminal damage to property. He claimed that she had attacked him and broken some of his possessions at his home. She indicated that the boyfriend had assaulted her and thrown her around, breaking some of his possessions in the process. Attorney Steven R. Hunter obtained photos of Client's injuries, presented them to the prosecutors, and persuaded them to dismiss the charges. Case dismissed.
June 26, 2018 - Petition for Order of Protection. The client and his wife at the time opened a business together. The marriage broke up, and the wife filed for an Order of Protection. Most of her petition involved claims about mismanagement of the business, and one alleged threat. Before Attorney Steven R. Hunter was hired, she was granted an Emergency Order of Protection which barred the Client from the business. With a long history of helping Clients with Order of Protection matters, Mr. Hunter gathered evidence and was prepared to prove that his Client never made any threats, that the Petitioner waited a full week before filing for an Order of Protection, and that business disputes cannot be used to support a request for an Order of Protection. On the day of the hearing, the Petitioner dismissed her petition. Petition dismissed.
June 13, 2018 - Financial Fraud. Client was charged in Federal court with financial fraud involving mortgages. Three others were charged as well. Attorney Steven R. Hunter argued that the amount that our Client had really received from the fraud was a very small amount compared to the amount that the other defendants obtained. Moreover, Mr. Hunter successfully highlighted the negative impact that adverse childhood experiences had on the Client's behavior. At a hotly contested sentencing hearing, Mr. Hunter persuaded the court to impose a sentence of 1 month of incarceration, even though the Federal prosecutors requested 19 months. Favorable sentence: one month of incarceration.
May 3, 2018 - Domestic Battery. Even though the Client was stabbed six times with a grilling fork, the police arrested him for domestic battery. The Client was involved in a fight with the mother of his children. When the police arrived, they observed that the Client was bleeding. The complaining witness had a busted lip and claimed to the police that the Client had struck her first. The Client contacted Mr. Hunter for legal assistance. Soon after, based on a deep understanding of how to win Illinois domestic battery cases, Mr. Hunter convinced the prosecution to drop the charges against the client. Case dismissed.
May 3, 2018 - Possession of a Controlled Substance with Intent to Deliver. The police obtained a search warrant for the Client's home. During the execution of a search warrant, the police recovered a bag that contained over 100 grams of cocaine and proof of the Client's residency. Drug crime penalties and drug charge sentencing in Illinois are stiff. Possessing this amount of drugs carries a mandatory sentence of 9 to 40 years in prison, and you must serve at least 75% of the sentence. The State offered to reduce the charge to a Class X felony and to recommend 6 years in prison, which Mr. Hunter and the Client refused to take. Instead, Attorney Steven R. Hunter negotiated a much better deal; he persuaded the prosecutor to reduce the charge from a Super X Class felony to a Class 2 felony and recommend 3 years, with 50% good time.
April 20, 2018 - No Contact Order. The Petitioner had previously dated the Client's current boyfriend. One year earlier, the Client represented herself and a civil no contact order was entered against the Client. In April the Petitioner filed for a two-year extension of the Order of Protection through a paid attorney. The Client then hired Attorney Steven R. Hunter. Mr. Hunter demanded a hearing and proved to the judge that the Petitioner had an ongoing affair with the Client's current boyfriend. Because the Petitioner was initiating contact with the Client's boyfriend, the Judge agreed with Mr. Hunter and ruled she could not have a reasonable fear of the Client. Petition dismissed.
April 10, 2018 - Petition for Order of Protection. The Client hired Attorney Steven R. Hunter to help her obtain an Order of Protection against her former boyfriend. Mr. Hunter obtained voice mails of the ex-boyfriend leaving drunken and profane threats, as well as emails. On the day of hearing Mr. Hunter confronted the ex with this evidence and he agreed to the order without a hearing, much to the relief of the Client. Order of Protection granted.
April 6, 2018 - Petition for Order of Protection. The petitioner and the Client met at a party in honor of his birthday thrown by friends. The petitioner and the Client drank shots of alcohol together, and then the Client asked her to go upstairs to a room where they made out. Soon she began to throw up and the Client took her to the bathroom. Later she left the party. Then, the next day she claimed that the Client attacked her, leaving marks on her neck. About three months later, the Petitioner filed a petition for an Emergency civil no contact order which was granted by the Judge. The Client hired Attorney Mr. Hunter, who was able to prove by cross-examination that the Petitioner had made false statements to the court and could not remember what happened. Mr. Hunter convinced the Judge to dismiss the petition and vacate the previous order, so that the Client has no record. Petition dismissed, Order vacated.
April 19, 2018 - The client was charged with driving under the influence, operating an uninsured vehicle, driving without a valid driver's license and driving on a sidewalk. The client's car was parked on a sidewalk after having struck a private residence's shrubbery. The police officer detected a pungent smell supposedly from cannabis coming from his breath and clothes. When asked to exit the vehicle and submit to a breathalyzer test, the client refused. The client's driving privileges were suspended after the DUI arrest, so the client hired Attorney Steven R. Hunter. Mr. Hunter recognized that the Uniform Citation issued involved Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol, but, in contrast, the police reports referred to driving under the influence of drugs. In addition, no Field Sobriety tests for marijuana were conducted. Mr. Hunter was able to exploit these problems with the State's case and persuaded them to reduce the Driving Under the Influence charge to Reckless Driving and to rescind the summary suspension. Charges reduced, summary suspension rescinded.
March 16, 2018 - The client had two charges: Interference with the Report of Domestic Violence and Resisting Arrest. The police came to the home of the Client after a neighbor reported a loud argument. The client was accused of preventing his girlfriend from reporting a domestic battery to the police after a call for service for a possible domestic battery. When approached by police officers, the client resisted by pushing the police officer's hands away to prevent being handcuffed. The State originally offered two days credit for time served, but Mr. Hunter and the Client refused to take the deal. Accepting credit for time served would have resulted in a permanent criminal record. Instead Mr. Hunter successfully proved to the prosecutors that the client was innocent of Interference with the Report of Domestic Violence because no domestic violence ever occurred. In addition, Mr. Hunter convinced the prosecutors to reduce the Resisting Arrest charge to Disorderly Conduct and offer non-reporting court Supervision. One charge dismissed, one reduced. No permanent record.
March 15, 2018 - The Client had two charges: Possession of Cannabis and Resisting Arrest. The Client and a friend of his were at Lollapalooza Music Festival enjoying the music. However, the Client's friend was not only listening to music but was also selling marijuana, which he kept in a backpack. Undercover police officers soon arrived and arrested the Client and his friend. When an officer tackled the Client to the ground, the officer's glasses were damaged. The Client's "friend" took off running leaving his backpack behind and letting the Client take the blame. The Client was charged with felony Possession of Marijuana with Intent to Distribute. Mr. Hunter, who is very experienced in defending drug possession charges in Chicago and the suburbs, and his Client refused to accept a felony conviction and set the case for trial. Eventually the prosecution offered to drop the felony and offered misdemeanor probation to the Resisting Arrest charge. Most importantly to the Client, Mr. Hunter persuaded the Judge not to impose drug testing. Reduced to misdemeanor.
January 25, 2018 - Domestic Battery. The Client was accused of Domestic Battery by his wife during an argument. When the complaining witness called 911, she claimed that her husband had hit her all over her body and further alleged that the Client would hit her regularly. The police took photos of her injuries and kept it for evidence. Later, Mr. Hunter interviewed the wife and she recanted the entire accusation, taking back what she had initially said. Mr. Hunter made an audio tape of the recantation and pointed out to the prosecution that the wife's claims were inconsistent with the photos of her minor injuries (a few scratches and a scrapped knee). Case dismissed.
January 24, 2018 - Federal Firearms offense under 18 U.S.C. 922(g). The Client was arrested after he and another individual sold a gun to an undercover agent. The federal firearms case against him was airtight so he decided to plead guilty. Under the United States Sentencing Guidelines, the recommended sentence range was 30 to 37 months. After obtaining mitigation, creating a sentencing memorandum and arguing the Client's case at a sentencing hearing, the Client received a sentence of 24 months in prison. Below Guidelines Sentence.
January 19, 2018 - Domestic Battery. The Client shared living space with another man, with whom he had no relationship. The other person started a physical fight with the Client. Afterward, the Client left the residence, and the other person called the police and claimed he had been the victim of a battery. The prosecution offered the Client a conviction and a sentence of Conditional Discharge. Attorney Steven R. Hunter urged the Client to fight. At trial, Mr. Hunter showed that the Client acted in self-defense, and during cross-examination of the complaining witness showed the judge that his story was untrue. Finding of Not Guilty.
January 9, 2018 - Federal Immigration Offense, Illegal Reentry. The Client was convicted of Aggravated Battery about 20 years earlier. After serving a prison sentence he was deported. In 2017, he was found in Chicago and arrested for the offense of Illegal Reentry. With no realistic defense, the Client pled guilty. Under the United States Sentencing Guidelines, the recommended sentence range was 21 to 27 months in prison. However, Attorney Steven R. Hunter put together mitigation evidence showing that the Client was a good person who would be able to start a new life in the country he was going to be deported to again. The Judge imposed a sentence of 11 months in prison, with credit for five months already served. Below Guidelines Sentence.
January 5, 2018 - Continuing Financial Criminal Enterprise. The client's identity got stolen. A few years later, the client was charged with financial fraud. The client contacted Mr. Hunter, who was able to prove to the prosecutor that her identity had been stolen, and therefore she wasn't the perpetrator of these crimes. On the next court date, the prosecution quashed the warrant, dismissed the charges and vacated the arrest record.
January 3, 2018 - Domestic Battery. The Client was accused of battery by the mother of his child during an argument. She claimed that the Client broke down a bathroom door to reach her and then whipped her with a belt. The Client hired Attorney Steven R. Hunter to fight the case. Mr. Hunter gathered proof that the bathroom door was not broken, the complaining witness only had one mark on her, and that mark was inconsistent with being whipped. On the day of trial, the case was dismissed. Case dismissed.
October 5, 2017 - The Client had a neighbor who filed petitions for No Contact Orders all the time. The neighbor had filed for orders against several members of the Client's family. However, the Client had had enough, and hired Attorney Steven R. Hunter to fight the case. She provided him with several videos showing aggressive behavior by the neighbor before and after the alleged incidents the petition described. Mr. Hunter showed the videos to opposing counsel and persuaded him and the neighbor to dismiss the Petition. Petition Dismissed.
September 26, 2017 - Criminal Trespass to State Supported Property. The Client was found near railroad property carrying a can of paint. In defending this criminal trespassing case, Attorney Steven R. Hunter obtained photos of the area showing that the Client had not crossed onto railroad property. Case dismissed.
September 22, 2017 - Felony Theft by Deception. The Client was arrested while staying in a hotel room that had been booked over the internet with a credit card belonging to someone else. The Client told the police that she purchased the use of the room from someone she met online. The police responded by arresting her and charging her with felony Theft by Deception, due to the dollar amount involved, which was almost $2000. At the Preliminary Hearing, criminal defense attorney Steven R. Hunter, a leading Chicago criminal defense attorney for theft charges, persuaded the prosecution to reduce the charge to a misdemeanor with restitution. Reduced to misdemeanor.
October 4, 2017 - Domestic Battery. The Client was accused of running over her boyfriend with her car. The then ex-boyfriend's mother claimed that the client called her up and declared that she had done so intentionally. At the time that the Client hired Attorney Steven R. Hunter, the prosecution had offered a plea agreement of six months in jail. Mr. Hunter prepared for trial and then the trial took place. During the trial, Mr. Hunter was able to show that there was bad blood between the Client and the ex-boyfriend's family and argued that the Client did not strike the ex-boyfriend intentionally. Although the judge found the Client guilty, the Judge sentenced the client to probation and anger management counseling. The Client was happy with this outcome because she had been offered six months of jail time if she pled guilty, and she had significant criminal history.
September 25, 2017 - Possession with Intent to Deliver >900 grams. The Client was the passenger in a car that contained a package of over 900 grams of cocaine. That offense is punishable by a minimum of 15 years in prison. Anyone convicted of that offense must serve at least 85% of their sentence. Attorney Steven R. Hunter conducted an extremely thorough trial preparation and investigation that took months to complete. During that time, he learned that a key police officer in the case had quit the force and moved away, and that he was not returning to testify in other cases. Mr. Hunter and the Client demanded a Speedy Trial under 725 ILC 5/103-5(b). After several continuances, the prosecution had no choice but to make a motion to Nolle Prosse the case. Case dismissed.
During the time the Client was on a warrant, the Unlawful Use of Weapon statute that the Client had been convicted of violating had been declared Unconstitutional. Mr. Hunter filed a Petition to Vacate that conviction. It was granted, which made the Violation of Probation disappear. Then Mr. Hunter convinced the prosecutors to reduce the felony Aggravated Resisting arrest charge to a misdemeanor and persuaded the Judge to sentence the Client to misdemeanor probation. Thanks to Mr. Hunter, the Client went from being a convicted felon fighting a Violation of Probation and a new felony charge, to having a misdemeanor probation and no felony convictions.
September 20, 2017 - Aggravated Resisting Arrest, Unlawful Use of Weapon. The client was convicted of felony Aggravated Unlawful Use of a Weapon years earlier and received probation. He was represented by another lawyer on that case. In 2012, he was arrested for Felony Resisting Arrest. A violation of probation was also filed. The Client hired attorney Steven R. Hunter to represent him, but before Mr. Hunter could finish trial preparations, the Client disappeared, and a warrant was issued. Four years later, the Client was arrested on the warrant and brought back to court.
September 11, 2017 - Felony Criminal Damage to Property and Resisting Arrest. The Client was arrested by the police. As the police attempted to arrest him, the Client fled. The police caught the Client and put him in the police station lock up. While there, he banged his head against a glass window, which was later found to be cracked. The dollar value of the damage made the offense a felony. Attorney Steven R. Hunter persuaded the prosecutors to reduce the felony to a misdemeanor by presenting mitigation. Attorney Hunter knew that the best chance to reduce the charges occurred at the Preliminary Hearing stage. The client accepted a plea agreement for Conditional Discharge to misdemeanors only.
September 6, 2017 - Domestic Battery. The Client dated a woman who turned out to be both married and unstable. In a fit of anger, she claimed to the police that he beat her. The client was arrested, and an Emergency Order of Protection was entered against him. Attorney Steven R. Hunter obtained texts and emails from the complaining witness to the Client that exposed her true motivations and false statements. The case was dismissed by the prosecution and the Order of Protection was vacated.
August 29, 2017 - Domestic Battery. The Client broke up with his girlfriend, but they continued to live together. They lived in the Client's father's house and the Client began to pursue an active social life with other women, which made the girlfriend angry. During an argument she rushed at the client in a fit of anger, arms flailing. The Client raised his arm to block her blows and she ran into his elbow. She then ran out of the house and called the police. The Client hired Attorney Steven R. Hunter, who immediately prepared a vigorous defense and set the case for trial. Day of trial, the case was dismissed.
August 21, 2017 - Domestic Battery. The client had a child with the complaining witness. The client and the complaining witness got into an argument. The complaining witness was supposed to take their child to daycare, but instead took the baby to the client's house. The complaining witness called the client and left voicemails with threats to leave the baby out in the cold. The complaining witness was angry and swearing. In response, the client called the police. When the client arrived, they fought. The police arrived, and the complaining witness became meek and cried. The client was angry and screamed at the complaining witness, so the police arrested the client. At trial, Attorney Steven R. Hunter cross-examined the complaining witness, who denied ever being angry or threatening. Mr. Hunter then confronted the complaining witness with the voice mail recordings. He also presented a booking photo showing that the complaining witness had broken the client's glasses. The Judge said that she did not believe the complaining witness and found the client Not Guilty.
August 11, 2017 - Unlawful Use of Weapon. The client was a properly licensed armed Security Guard. Under the law, he was entitled to carry his weapon while performing his job and while commuting. On the way home from work his car broke down. He did not want to pay for a tow truck and texted his ex-wife for help. While waiting for her to respond he fell asleep. He awoke later and was arrested because the police, mistakenly relying on an out-of-date statute, believed that there was a time limit to his commute. Attorney Steven R. Hunter proved at trial that the client was a legally licensed Security Guard. During cross-examination, the police officer admitted he thought the law imposed a one-hour time limit on commuting. Mr. Hunter then presented the court with the old law and the new, amended statute. The Judge sided with Mr. Hunter and found the client Not Guilty.
July 18, 2017 - Aggravated Robbery. The client was charged with Aggravated Robbery. He was arrested shortly after a man was robbed. The robber wore a mask and had what appeared to be gun. He also carried a white bag. The police searched the client at his arrest and found inside a white bag a mask, a bb gun, and the victim's phone. Originally, he was held on a high bond that he could not post. Attorney Steven R. Hunter filed a Motion to Reduce the bond and the bond was lowered to an amount his mother could obtain. After acquiring and reviewing all of the police reports and video evidence, Attorney Steven R. Hunter filed a Motion to Suppress. At the same time, he put together mitigation in the form of character letters, records of employment and education, and other documents that he used to persuade the prosecutor to recommend probation rather than litigate a Motion to Suppress Evidence that had an uncertain outcome. The client chose to accept the probation rather than risk up to 15 years in prison.
July 5, 2017 - The client had two cases, a misdemeanor Domestic Battery charge and a felony Violation of Probation based on several different violations. He was in custody. The client had received an offer of 60 days in jail if he plead guilty to the domestic battery charge. When he called attorney Steven R. Hunter, he wanted Mr. Hunter to advance the misdemeanor case and accept the offer. The client did not realize that pleading guilty to the misdemeanor would automatically violate his felony probation, and could result in his being sent to prison on the violation. Mr. Hunter spoke to the probation Judge and that Judge agreed that he would accept the 60 days in jail for the domestic battery as punishment for the violation of probation too. The client then plead guilty to the domestic battery and received 60 days of jail. A few weeks later he was before his probation Judge who accepted the 60 days sentence as punishment for the violation of probation. The client received credit for the time he had been locked up, and he was released a few days later.
June 30, 2017 - Theft of Services. The client took a cab home from the bar after a bit too much to drink. He dropped his debit card in the dark cab and could not find it. The cabbie called the police and the client was arrested for theft of services. Restitution was negotiated and paid and the charges were dropped.
June 23, 2017 - Felony Possession of a Controlled Substance. The client was charged with Possession of a Controlled Substance. Criminal defense attorney Steven R. Hunter, with a long track record of defending those who are arrested for drugs, appeared in court several times, always ready to proceed. The State never obtained an analysis of the drug from the Crime Lab. Because the defense was always ready, the State's 30 days window to obtain a finding of probable cause passed and they had to dismiss the charges.
June 21, 2017 - Battery. The client was a staff person at a school for children with behavior problems. A student came home with bruises and claimed that the client had hit him. Attorney Steven R. Hunter had a teacher and a staff member prepared to testify that this did not happen, and that the student was disruptive and physically violent, prompting a safety restraint. In addition, Attorney Hunter obtained a video from the school bus showing the student leaving school the day he claimed to have been hit. The video showed he did not have a mark on him. On the day of trial, the prosecutors dismissed the charges.
June 14, 2017 - Felony Domestic Battery. After a contested hearing, the court entered a finding of No Probable Cause and the case was dismissed.
June 2, 2017 - Failure to Register. The client was held in custody for failing to register as a sex offender. Specifically, he was a few days late in updating his address. Attorney Steven R. Hunter appeared for him at weekend bond court. He had obtained a great deal of background information that allowed him to argue for a relatively low bond. After a hearing, the client was given a bond that he could post and he was released. Pursuant to the advice of his lawyer, he immediately updated his registration information. On the next court date, the prosecution had verified that the client complied with his registration obligations and decided to dismiss the charges. This case shows that it can be very important to obtain a reasonable bond for the client. Because he was released the client could become compliant. Had he remained in jail, his case would not have been dismissed.
June 1, 2017 - Reckless Conduct. The client was charged with throwing objects out of a high hotel room window. He was a Dream Act applicant who could not afford a conviction of any kind. Attorney Steven R. Hunter developed a defense pointing to other occupants of the hotel room, but asked the prosecutor to consider a diversion. The client performed community service and his case was dismissed.
June 1, 2017 - Possession of a Controlled Substance. Attorney Hunter met with the defendant in his office after obtaining permission from the Cook County Sheriff's Electronic Monitoring Unit. He drafted a cross-examination and was ready to fight the Preliminary Hearing for Possession of a Controlled Substance. The officer failed to appear and the Judge denied the State's request for a continuance so the State dismissed the charges.
May 25, 2017 - Domestic Battery. The defendant was arrested on a signed complaint. Attorney Steven R. Hunter interviewed the complaining witness and learned that she signed the complaint without realizing what she was signing. She never wanted the defendant to be arrested, and said that the claim that he had stolen her telephone was not true. She thought he had taken it but found it later under a bed. Attorney Hunter asked her for a letter stating this, which she provided to him. She failed to appear in court and Attorney Hunter used the letter to persuade the prosecution to dismiss the case. Mr. Hunter also obtained an order from the court for the immediate removal of the GPS ankle monitor that the client had been forced to wear.
May 18, 2017 - Federal Fraud. The client was charged with a Federal Fraud crime involving unemployment benefits. The actual loss amount was more than $800,000. Because the client had no prior criminal history, his sentencing range under the United States Sentencing Guidelines was 30 to 37 months. Criminal defense attorney Steven R. Hunter worked with the client and his family to present mitigation and positive information about the client to the Judge. The sentence imposed was 8 months in the Bureau of Prisons, almost 75% off of the low end of the client's Sentencing Guidelines range.
May 15, 2017 - Failure to Register as a Sex Offender. The client is charged with Failure to Register as a Sex Offender. At bond court Attorney Steven R. Hunter argued for a reasonable bond given the defendant's limited criminal history and ties to the community. The court heard Mr. Hunter's arguments and imposed a bond of $100,000 I with Electronic Monitoring, which means the client went home without posting any money.
May 12, 2017 - Aggravated Criminal Sexual Abuse. The client was charged with Aggravated Criminal Sexual Abuse. The accusation alleged that he had unwanted sexual contact with a person in a nursing home who could not consent. Attorney Steven R. Hunter obtained a bond reduction for the client to $30,000. The $3,000 bond was posted and Mr. Hunter fought for his client by filing and litigating several pre-trial motions. After over a year of fighting, the prosecution agreed to dismiss the sex offense charge and recommend probation to the offense of Aggravated Battery.
May 10, 2017 - Battery. A dispute arose at a school about a bullying situation. The client went to the school and confronted the bully and his mother. The mother responded by filing a battery complaint, which the client insisted was a lie. Attorney Steven R. Hunter appeared in court ready to dispute the charge, but the opposing witnesses failed to appear and the case was dismissed.
May 9, 2017 - Possession with Intent to Deliver a Controlled Substance. The client was accused of Possession with Intent to Deliver a Controlled Substance in an amount greater than 100 grams, as well a violation of his probation for a drug offense. This charge carries a sentence of 9 to 40 years in prison, with only 25% good time, instead of the typical %50. Attorney Steven R. Hunter filed several pre-trial motions and was prepared to fight the case. At the same time, he acquired a great deal of mitigation evidence establishing that his client had a job, a family, and a history of good works. In addition, he used the police reports to show that the client was a low level participant and not an organizer of the crime. Mr. Hunter persuaded the prosecution to reduce the charge to a standard Class X offense with a range of 6 to 30 years with day for day good time and to recommend a 10 year sentence. In addition, the prosecution agreed to withdraw the violation of probation.
May 5, 2017 - Aggravated Battery. The client was on probation for Aggravated Battery, but had been required to attend sex offender counseling. The client had been discharged from counseling for allegedly failing to cooperate. The alleged violation actually consisted of not always having the $40 per session fee, and also refusing to admit being a sex offender. Attorney Steven R. Hunter convinced the court to terminate the probation without a violation hearing, and the client was released from custody. This case underscores the importance of jail visits. Attorney Steven R. Hunter visited the client in jail before the court date and heard her explanation for the alleged violation. Using this information, Mr. Hunter acquired corroboration for his client's story. If he had not gone to the jail, he would not have been able to go forward on the first court date and his client would have remained in jail another month.
April 12, 2017 - Domestic Battery. The client faced the charge of Domestic Battery. The complaining witness was his wife, who was an immigrant and who spoke limited English. The husband had been ordered as a condition of his bond to have no contact with his wife. Attorney Steven R. Hunter spoke to the witness and discovered that she did not understand why her husband was not at home and did not understand what had happened. She thought her husband had chosen to stay away. Mr. Hunter explained that her husband was legally forbidden from returning home or from contacting her. Once she had this understanding, the wife chose to ask the prosecution to drop the charges. Case dismissed.
March 14 and 15, 2017 - Resisting or Obstructing a Police Officer . The prosecution charged the client with Resisting or Obstructing a Police Officer, which is a misdemeanor offense. At the time that Attorney Steven R. Hunter was hired as the client's criminal defense lawyer, the prosecutors had offered him 180 days in jail. The offer was very high because the police claimed the client had possessed a gun, even though they never recovered a gun. In addition, he was on felony probation in another courtroom. Attorney Steven R. Hunter researched and wrote a motion to suppress based on an illegal arrest. The court complimented Mr. Hunter on the quality of the motion, and when the State was not ready to proceed, the case was dismissed. The next day Mr. Hunter appeared with his client for the felony violation of probation and reported the dismissal. With the basis of the violation removed, the court agreed to early termination of the probation.
March 13, 2017 - Firearm Crime. The client was charged with the offense of Possession of Firearm Ammunition without an FOID card in DuPage County. The prosecutors refused to recommend Supervision, or anything else, so Attorney Steven R. Hunter requested a continuance, put together a mitigation package and requested a 402 conference with the Judge. At the conference, Mr. Hunter persuaded the Judge to sentence his client to Supervision and community service.
March 3, 2017 - Reckless Conduct. The client was accused of throwing cups of water out a hotel window. The charge was Reckless Conduct. Because of the client's immigration situation, he did not want to risk a trial. Instead Attorney Steven R. Hunter negotiated a diversion, where the client performed community service in exchange for a dismissal.
March 2, 2017 - A person who the client had business dealings with accused him of robbing him at gunpoint, along with another alleged offender. The client was arrested and charged with Armed Robbery and Aggravated Unlawful Restraint. The Armed Robbery charged carried a 21 year minimum in which the client would have to serve 85% of his sentence if he had been convicted. Attorney Steven R. Hunter and his client prepared for trial and fought to show the many inconsistencies in the accuser's story. In addition, Mr. Hunter worked many hours with his client to prepare him for testimony. At the conclusion of the trial, the client was found Not Guilty of the Armed Robbery and received probation for the Unlawful Restraint count.
February 22, 2017 - Domestic Battery. The client was arrested for Domestic Battery after an argument with his girlfriend. The girlfriend told the police that he had threatened her with a gun. Because of this claim, the bond was thousands of dollars. The client managed to post bond and hired Attorney Steven R. Hunter to defend the criminal battery charges. Mr. Hunter appeared in court ready to fight on the first court date. However, the complaining witness did not show up. Mr. Hunter successfully objected to a continuance and the case was dismissed.
February 15, 2017 - Violating a Protection Order in Will County. Our client violated a Will County Order of Protection. With a knowledgeable Will County criminal defense attorney on his side, he was able to avoid harsher punishment.
More case details: Violating a Will County Protection Order, Probation Granted
January 24, 2017 - Possession of a Stolen Motor Vehicle and Burglary. The client had been arrested 16 years earlier for two felonies, Possession of a Stolen Motor Vehicle and Burglary. The age of the criminal case would have potentially made them difficult to prove, although the police claimed to have witnessed both crimes and may have appeared for a trial. Instead, Attorney Steven R. Hunter persuaded the prosecution to dismiss one case and reduce the other to a misdemeanor. The client decided not to risk trial and pled guilty to one misdemeanor.
January 20, 2017 - Battery. After a night of drinking the client was arrested for battery to a cab driver. He was unable to remember much of what happened. Attorney Steven R. Hunter spoke to the complaining witness and was shown photos of his injuries. Mr. Hunter negotiated a plea bargain for six months of Supervision and no contact with the complaining witness.
December 5, 2016 - Domestic Battery. The client was charged with Domestic Battery. At bond court, before Attorney Steven R. Hunter was hired, the prosecutors persuaded a judge to enter Special Conditions of Bond that required the client to have absolutely no contact with his wife, who was the complaining witness.
However, attorneys can interview witnesses. Attorney Hunter spoke to the wife and she told him she had no idea that the prosecutors would ask for bond conditions that prevented her husband from contacting her. She also stated that the whole incident was a misunderstanding and she wanted the charges dropped because her husband was innocent. At the request of Mr. Hunter, she provided a letter to that effect.
Interviewing the complaining witness is essential in domestic battery cases. Frequently, what the complaining witness says happened is dramatically different from police reports. This gives an attorney and his client the ability to evaluate if they should go to trial. At court, the complaining witness did not appear, her letter was presented to the prosecutors, and the case was dismissed.
November 16, 2016 - Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol. The client was charged with Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol. Squad car video showed him driving the wrong way down a one-way street and doing poorly on Field Sobriety Tests. Not wishing to risk his driving privileges at a trial, the client asked his Cook County DUI lawyer, Attorney Steven R. Hunter, to negotiate a plea agreement. After obtaining mitigation, Mr. Hunter persuaded the prosecution to concede on a Petition to Rescind Summary Suspension and to recommend Supervision on the DUI. The client, who needed to drive for his job, could keep driving.
November 5, 2016 - Disorderly Conduct. The client was charged with Disorderly Conduct for allegedly swearing and verbally abusing a security guard at a train station. The client denied the charges, but lived in another state. Returning to fight the case would have been an extreme hardship. Instead, Attorney Steven R. Hunter obtained witnesses who would support the clients defense, but also prepared mitigation. Mr. Hunter's philosophy, developed after practicing criminal defense for many years, is that if you want a good deal, you should look like you want to go to trial and the prosecutor must persuade you not to do so. The strategy worked, and the client was offered a dismissal of charges if he completed some community service in his home town. Attorney Hunter convinced the judge to waive his client's presence on the next court date, and Mr. Hunter returned with proof of the community service. The case was then dismissed.
October 11, 2016 - Domestic Battery. The client was charged with Domestic Battery. The complaining witness was the client's girlfriend. Attorney Steven R. Hunter interviewed her as part of his case preparation. She told him that the defendant had not hit her and that she did not wish to pursue charges. She also indicated that the injury she sustained which the police photographed was the result of an accident.
Attorney Hunter acquired a letter from the girlfriend stating those facts. Despite this extremely helpful evidence, the prosecutors refused to dismiss the case, and demanded that the client plead guilty. The client wanted to plead guilty rather than set the case for trial. He had an extensive criminal history and was worried that he would receive a year in jail if he was convicted. Attorney Hunter discussed the situation with him and pointed out that if he pled guilty he could also receive up to a year in jail. The client eventually decided to listen to the advice of Attorney Hunter and the case was set for trial. On the day of trial the complaining witness was not present. The judge sustained Attorney Hunter's objection to a continuance, and the prosecution was forced to dismiss all charges.
September 14, 2016 - Petition for an Order of Protection. In this case, a Petition for an Order of Protection was filed against the client by his Aunt. The client had filed charges against his Uncle, and the Aunt made false allegations him to DCFS, the Chicago Police, and filed the petition in retaliation. Attorney Steven R. Hunter spoke to members of the Chicago Police Department, who indicated that they believed the client's accusation against the Uncle, they lacked sufficient proof to charge him. Other officers investigated the accusations made by the Aunt against the client and found them baseless. Attorney Steven R. Hunter subpoenaed the police to testify at the hearing against the Aunt. Attorney Hunter also subpoenaed the Uncle. Fearing he would have to testify, the Aunt dismissed her petition against the client.
September 12, 2016 - Petition for a Stalking No Contact Order. The client's ex-girlfriend was jealous when he became engaged to another woman and filed a Petition for a Stalking No Contact Order. She claimed that he punched her twice at a Memorial Day picnic, and also alleged that he had called her in 2014 to "confront" her about a situation that she claimed his fiancee had created. On the court date, she told the judge that she had just hired a criminal defense lawyer and that he was on his way. The attorney arrived and answered ready for a hearing. Knowing that the opposing lawyer had just been hired, Attorney Steven R. Hunter also answered ready. Once the hearing began, Attorney Hunter successfully prevented the Petitioner from bringing up allegations not in the petition. He argued that the Illinois Stalking No Contact Order Act, 740 ILCS 21/10 defines stalking as at least two acts of stalking, and that the 2014 telephone call did not qualify. The judge agreed and the petition was dismissed.
September 12, 2016 - Criminal Trespassing. The defendant in this case was charged with trespassing to a home which was the subject of a raid to seize drugs by the police. Attorney Steven R. Hunter went to the home, which was located in a high-crime neighborhood on the West side of Chicago. The home appeared vacant and there was no contact information in the police reports for the leaseholder. Prior to hiring Attorney Hunter, the client had changed her court date. The other defendants' cases were dismissed on the original trial date when the complaining witness failed to appear. However, the complaining witness was not summoned to court on the client's new court date, so the prosecution refused to dismiss her charges. Although the client expressed the desire to plead guilty to "get the case over with," Attorney Hunter encouraged her to set the case for trial, knowing that the prosecution could not prove the case without the presence of the resident. On the day of trial the prosecution had no witnesses and the case was dismissed.
September 1, 2016 - Battery. The defendant was accused of Battery to a security guard at Wrigley Field. The allegation was that he pushed a security guard while being ejected from Wrigley Field for being intoxicated. The complaining witness was a senior security official who was nearly 70, and the client had a hazy recollection of the events due to being overserved by the beer vendors at Wrigley Field. Attorney Steven R. Hunter concluded that seeking a diversion was wiser than going to trial. He worked with the client to obtain mitigation about the client's work history, education, and background, and convinced the prosecutors to offer a diversion, in which the client performed community service, returned to court with proof of that service, and the charges were dismissed.
September 19, 2016 - Warrant for Arrest. The defendant was on Pretrial Release from the Southern District of Indianapolis. The defendant had permission to reside in the Chicago area and was monitored by Pretrial Services for the Northern District of Illinois. A warrant was issued for his arrest in Indianapolis based on allegations that he failed to report to Pretrial Services and did not report contacts with the Downers Grove police. He was taken into custody in Chicago, and a removal hearing was held. Attorney Steven R. Hunter presented testimony from the defendant's Pretrial Services officer that the defendant had not failed to report and did inform Pretrial of his contacts with the Downers Grove Police. The court agreed to allow the defendant out of custody and ordered him to travel to Indianapolis for his next court date on his own.
September 1, 2016 - Criminal Trespassing. The client was accused of Criminal Trespass at a Place of Public Amusement, under 720 ILCS 5/21-9, which is a Class 4 felony. Specifically, the client ran onto the field at a White Sox game. Knowing that there were about 20,000 witnesses, plus video on the internet, Attorney Steven R. Hunter advised against trying to win the case, and instead pursued a diversion with the Cook County State's Attorney Alternative Prosecution Unit. A mitigation package was put together and the unit of the prosecutor's office with jurisdiction was contacted. Attorney Hunter successfully persuaded them to offer a diversion and the client avoided a felony conviction and a permanent criminal record.
August 18, 2016 - Driving under the Influence of Alcohol and Driver's License Suspension. The defendant was charged with the offense of Driving under the Influence of Alcohol, as well as Aggravated Speeding and other moving charges. Attorney Steven R. Hunter filed a motion for discovery and obtained police reports and video recordings of the client's driving, arrest and booking. The prosecutors refused the defense proposal to dismiss the DUI and rescind the summary suspension in exchange for a plea of guilty to lesser charges.
With nothing to lose, the case was set for a hearing to rescind or take back the suspension of the driver's license, as well as trial on the Drunk Driving and Aggravated Speeding offenses. The video did show bad driving, including the client speeding away after the police officer stopped him the first time and got out of his police cruiser. In addition, the booking video showed the client refusing to take a breathalyzer test after being properly warned. However, it also showed the officer failing to administer field sobriety tests at the scene.
Attorney Steven R. Hunter successfully argued that the police and prosecutor did not have proof beyond a reasonable doubt to show drunk driving or Aggravated Speeding. The court agreed, but upheld the driver's license suspension. Not Guilty as to DUI and Aggravated Speeding. The defendant acquired a BAID, or mobile breath device, for his car and could drive.
August 10, 2016 - Warrant Dismissed. Fifteen years earlier, in 2001, the defendant was in the Cook County jail on a gun charge. He was released from jail, and mistakenly believed that his case was dismissed because he never posted bond. However, what had actually happened was that he was released under a dubious program to release jail overcrowding. He returned to his home in another state, and did not become aware of the warrant issued in his case until it was brought to his attention by law enforcement. He had gone fifteen years with no arrests, he was gainfully employed, and he was a solid citizen. Attorney Steven R. Hunter presented proof of all of this to the prosecutors, and pointed out that it would be difficult to prove a case that was fifteen years old. The prosecutors agreed and the case was dismissed on a motion to Nolle Prosequi. 01 CR 1682301)
July 18, 2016 - Domestic Battery. The client was charged with Domestic Battery. He was arrested after bystanders witnessed an argument with his wife at a local shopping mall. During the argument he took his car keys from his wife's purse so that he could leave and they could both cool off. Bystanders misunderstood the act and reported a robbery. The police tracked down the wife and persuaded her to sign a criminal complaint for domestic battery. The client hired Attorney Steven R. Hunter, who interviewed the wife/complaining witness. She told a very different story than the one contained in the police reports. Attorney Steven R. Hunter explained to the wife how to communicate the truth to the prosecutors. Ultimately, the case was dismissed.
July 8, 2016 - Petition for an Order of Protection. The client's ex-fiancee filed a Petition for an Order of Protection against him based on false allegations. She managed to obtain an Emergency Order of Protection by claiming that the client waited for her outside her apartment with a stick and grabbed her arm, and that, on other days, the client walked around near her apartment. Attorney Steven R. Hunter, working with the client, obtained proof that the defendant was at a baseball game with several witnesses at the time the Petitioner claimed he was at her apartment. He even had a "selfie" photograph of himself and his friends. The Petitioner dropped the petition and the emergency order was vacated.
July 6, 2016 - Petition for an Order of Protection. The client's former girlfriend filed for an Order of Protection, alleging that he pushed her, forcibly took her mobile phone, and locked her out of their apartment. She also claimed he had been verbally and emotionally abusive on many occasions.
The client denied all of this and said that the Petitioner attacked him during a heated argument. He then locked her out to defuse the situation. The client had a job working with children and could not be subject to an Order of Protection. Attorney Steven R. Hunter attempted to negotiate with the Petitioner, but she was extremely angry and out for revenge. She also did not appear to consider the possibility that she would lose the hearing.
On the first court date, the Petitioner told the court she was ready for a hearing that day. Normally, Attorney Steven R. Hunter spends many hours preparing for trials and hearings, but the opportunity to do a hearing with a Petitioner who was representing herself was too good to pass up, given that a lack of understanding of criminal law and legal procedures put the Petitioner at a significant disadvantage. A hearing was held, during which the Petitioner attempted to introduce hearsay and make reference to alleged emails and texts which she could not produce.
Attorney Steven R. Hunter, citing the relevant rules of evidence, kept all inappropriate testimony out of evidence. The defendant then denied her allegations, and explained that the Petitioner was in a fit of jealous rage after concluding, wrongly, that the client had cheated on her. At the conclusion of the hearing the court ruled in favor of Mr. Hunter's client and the Petition for an Order of Protection was denied. In addition, the Emergency Order of Protection which the Petitioner had obtained was vacated.
July 5, 2016 - Reckless Conduct. The client was charged with Reckless Conduct after he jumped off a bridge into Lake Michigan. The client was anxious to resolve the case quickly, so Attorney Steven R. Hunter negotiated an agreement for the client to perform 50 hours of community service in exchange for a dismissal of the charges.
June 24, 2016 - Criminal Damage to Property. The client was charged with felony Criminal Damage to Property. He and two co-defendants were accused of spray painting a CTA train in a CTA railyard. One of the co-defendants in this graffiti case unwisely filmed much of the painting on a Go-Pro camera. The police obtained the camera during a search of the co-defendant's car. The defendant lacked standing, or in other words the legal authority, to object to the search of someone else. In addition, the client had received a prison sentence for a similar crime previously. Attorney Steven R. Hunter put together mitigation and negotiated a plea agreement for probation and restitution with the prosecutors.
June 22, 2016 - Domestic Battery. The client had an on-going feud with his roommate. The roommate repeatedly called the police and had the client arrested for domestic battery, even though both men denied a romantic relationship. The law does allow for this. Against the advice of Attorney Steven R. Hunter, the client continued to live with the roommate, seeking to stay in his apartment until the lease had expired. A week before the lease was up, the roommate again called the police and again had the client arrested. Armed with the entire history of the roommate's false charges, Attorney Steven R. Hunter appeared in court and demanded trial after the case was dismissed.
June 7, 2016 - Order of Protection. The client was the Respondent in a petition for an Order of Protection filed by his former girlfriend. The girlfriend was represented by counsel. Attorney Steven R. Hunter obtained texts of threats from the petitioner and photos of injuries. He then persuaded the Petitioner and her lawyer to dismiss the petition after the parties agreed to resolve an outstanding mobile phone bill.
May 3, 2016 - Domestic Battery. The client was arrested for domestic battery. She was accused of slapping her boyfriend's mother. The police arrested the client and she bonded out. She then returned to the residence she shared with her boyfriend and his mother. The mother called the police and had the girlfriend re-arrested for violating the bail bond. (A standard condition of bond in domestic violence cases is not to return to the home for 72 hours. That condition applied in this case). The client returned because she felt she had nowhere else to stay. Attorney Steven R. Hunter worked with the boyfriend to make his mother understand that his girlfriend was a permanent part of his life. The mother decided to return to her native land of Romania. The client was unable to appear at the third court date due to a hospitalization. However, Attorney Steven R. Hunter persuaded the prosecution to dismiss the charges and not to seek a warrant.
May 2, 2016 - Retail Theft. The defendant was charged with retail theft. The defense case was weak, so attorney Steven R. Hunter developed multiple options for the client. First, working with the client he obtained mitigation, which is the word lawyers use for positive information about the client. For this retail theft case, the mitigation facts included proof that he was gainfully employed, character references, and documentation of his education. Next, attorney Steven R. Hunter investigated the possibility of a diversion. Finally, he appeared in court and discerned that no one from the store appeared. The case was dismissed.
March 17, 2016 - Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol. The defendant was charged with the offense of Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol. He was facing a suspension of his license. The defendant had a good job that required him to drive. Loss of his license would have meant loss of his livelihood.
Squad car video showed him failing the Field Sobriety Tests, and his breathalyzer result was over twice the legal limit. Nevertheless, Attorney Steven R. Hunter filed a Petition to Rescind. Although the client received Supervision for the DUI, his suspension was rescinded and his driving privileges were reinstated.
March 10, 2016 - Bank Fraud. The client was charged with bank fraud. The government alleged that she conspired to cash stolen checks with forged information and to open bank accounts with stolen personal identification and then use the accounts to obtain the money from the checks. The federal prosecutors had a strong case, as they often do. The defendant and attorney Steven R. Hunter reviewed the evidence and agreed that the wisest strategy was to pursue plea negotiations. Unfortunately, the prosecutor took a tough line. This meant a contested sentencing hearing.
Mr. Hunter worked with the client to obtain mitigation. Photos of the client at a food bank and other charitable events, along with letters proving her participation, were just some of the mitigation obtained. The client had a strong work history, and the defense submitted many letters from her current employer, past employers, and past clients who all praised her work ethic and integrity. That and other information persuaded the court that this case was an aberration. The defendant received a sentence of 20 months in the Bureau of Prisons, even though the United States Sentencing Guidelines called for a sentencing range of 41 to 51. The sentence imposed was less than half the U.S.S.G. range.
March 8, 2016 - Theft of Government Funds. The client had been collecting his mother social security retirement benefits by cashing her checks after she passed away and not informing the government that she had died. This went on for decades. In total, he received $438,204.00. The Social Security Administration contacted him, and shortly after that so did a federal agent. The client wisely hired attorney Steven R. Hunter.
The evidence against the client was substantial. Bank records and video established conclusively that the defendant had received the money in question. Instead of pursuing a futile trial that would have increased the client's United States Sentencing Guidelines range of punishment, attorney Steven R. Hunter pursued a strategy of obtaining mitigation. Medical records showed the clients serious health issues, employment documentation revealed the clients strong work history. The alarming total, when divided out over time, came out to less than $1100.00 per month, a far less shocking figure. In the end, the court sentenced the defendant to one year and a day in the Federal Bureau of Prisons, with mandatory restitution and Supervised Release. The one day made him eligible for good time credit, and the client is likely to serve just over 10 months in the Bureau of Prisons.
February 11, 2016 - Child Abduction. The client was charged with Child Abduction under 720 ILCS 5/10-5(b)(10)(A). Two girls, ages 9 and 6, claimed that the client had yelled at one of the girls to come into his van as they played in the front yard of their home. The girls ran inside and told their mother this story. An older brother and the mother came outside, and while the mother cursed out the client, the older brother punched him in the face and seized his keys.
The defendant was held on an enormous $250,000 bond, even though he had no criminal history. Attorney Steven R. Hunter tried unsuccessfully to have the bond lowered, but a judge refused to do so.
Mr. Hunter obtained and reviewed the police reports, as well as a video tape of the so-called "victim sensitive interview" or VSI. He also interviewed family and friends of the accused client. What he learned was that the client routinely bought coffee at a local fast food restaurant, and would then would go park somewhere and people watch while it cooled off. Then he would drink it. On occasion, friends and family confirmed, he would wave at children.
This is what the client said happened in this case. He denied ever speaking to either girl. The girls, for their part, agreed that the client was drinking coffee. However, they insisted that the client yelled for one of them to get in the van. However, at the VSI both girls also insisted that the client told them to go get their mother because he wanted to talk to her.
A conviction would very likely have resulted in a lifetime of sex-offender registration, and also very likely have resulted in a loss of legal status and deportation for the client. Attorney Steven R. Hunter urged the client not to accept that outcome and the client agreed. However, it took months to get the case into a trial posture. Finally, on the day of trial, the defendant was offered a charge reduction to Attempt Child Abduction. Sex offender registration and deportation still seemed likely, so the defendant refused. The prosecution, seeing the multiple defense witnesses that attorney Steven R. Hunter had prepared to testify, his trial book, and his determination to fight, then offered the defendant six months of non-reporting Supervision to the offense of Reckless Conduct. The defendant instructed Mr. Hunter to accept the offer. While it is difficult to be to elated about a guilty plea, trials always have uncertain outcomes and the client elected to avoid the risk of the severe consequences that a possible conviction would carry. Attorney Steven R. Hunter does take satisfaction in the knowledge that his hard work resulted in a substantial charge reduction and one of the lowest sentences possible. Charge reduced, 6 months court Supervision.
January 20, 2016 - Possession of a Controlled Substance. The client was arrested on the street after the police saw what they assumed was a drug deal. He was stopped and searched and a significant amount of drugs was found on him. Attorney Steven R. Hunter developed testimony at the preliminary hearing that would support a motion to suppress the evidence. However, the client and his family wanted to pursue treatment options. Attorney Steven R. Hunter obtained and submitted a screening request form to the Cook County State's Attorney's Office of Alternative Prosecutions and Sentencing Courts, along with supporting documents. The prosecutor's office agreed to send the case to the Felony Deferred Prosecution Program. There, the defendant is received treatment and case management to help him deal with his problems, without having to plead guilty. Deferred prosecution.
January 20, 2016 - Forgery and Theft. The defendant was a bookkeeper who used her position to create fake invoices and check register entries to vendors, then actually writing checks to herself. Her acts were discovered, and when her employer confronted her, she made a full admission. She contacted attorney Steven R. Hunter about arranging for a re-payment plan. At this point she had not been charged with a crime. However, eventually she was charged in federal court. Attorney Steven R. Hunter obtained mitigation evidence which proved that the defendant was a middle-aged woman who had never had any contacts with law enforcement before, that she was the primary care-giver for a special-needs step-daughter, and that she had made substantial repayments of the money taken. He presented this information to the Assistant United States Attorney assigned to the case and requested that his client only be charged with a misdemeanor. The AUSA refused, indicating that over $40,000 had been taken and that was too much for a misdemeanor. Mr. Hunter then requested a meeting with the AUSA and his supervisors for what attorneys call a "pitch meeting." At the meeting attorney Steven R. Hunter persuaded the U.S. Attorney's office to charge the defendant with a misdemeanor instead of a felony.
January 14, 2016 - Domestic Battery. The defendant and his fianc got into an argument. She attacked him. During the attack he called 911. Then he left the residence. He went to the police station and asked the police to come with him to retrieve his possessions so he could spend the night somewhere else. However, when he arrived his fianc was already there talking to the police. The police claimed that she told them he pulled her hair, and the arrested the defendant.
Attorney Steven R. Hunter interviewed the complaining witness, who spoke limited English. She said that when the police interviewed her none of them spoke Spanish. She also told Mr. Hunter that she had served 15 days in the Cook County jail for a domestic battery against another person. Attorney Steven R. Hunter used this information to convince the prosecution to drop the charges. Case dismissed.
November 16, 2015 - Stalking. The defendant was accused of stalking a young woman by following her around her neighborhood and attempting to talk to her while she walked her dog, and by working out next to her at her health club. She also told the police that after she moved to a new neighborhood, he moved a few buildings away. Finally, she told the police that he left note for her on her windshield. Based on these claims the police arrested the defendant and charged him with Stalking.
Prior to trial, Attorney Steven R. Hunter made a motion for Substitution of Judge. Based in his in-depth knowledge of the judges in the courthouse, he concluded that he would have a better chance of winning if he did so. The case was reassigned
At trial, attorney Steven R. Hunter proved that the defendant had lived in the same neighborhood all of his life, and the complaining witness moved into it. Through maps and other evidence, it was shown that the complaining witness repeatedly walked her dog in front of his house where he lived with his parents. Business records from the health club established that the defendant belonged to a health club for a year, then the complaining witness joined the same health club as the defendant during the time she claimed he was stalking her. In addition, the records showed that during the time the complaining witness belonged to the health club, the defendant worked out 90 times, usually at the same time of day. The complaining witness was only at the health club at the same time as the defendant 9 times. The defendant did move near the complaining witness's new residence, but he had no way of knowing that she had moved to that neighborhood until after he had already rented a new apartment and moved out of his parent's home. Finally, the note on the windshield contained an apology and a promise to leave the complaining witness alone. Attorney Steven R. Hunter proved that there were no threats, no trespassing, no photos taken, no surveillance of the complaining witness at her work or anywhere other than the neighborhood where the defendant lived and the health club he belonged to. At the conclusion of the trial the court entered a finding of Not Guilty.
January 13, 2016 - Felony Criminal Damage to Property. The defendant was contacted by a suburban police department and told that he was wanted in connection to a felony criminal damage to property case at a CTA rail yard. The defendant wisely hired attorney Steven R. Hunter, who went with him to the police station and assisted him in invoking his right to remain silent and his right to an attorney. The graffiti case occurred months earlier. Several co-defendants were arrested close in time to the criminal damage. One of them had photos and video on his camera that showed the defendant making unrelated graffiti. The prosecution had a circumstantial case, but one police officer did claim he saw the defendant with the co-defendants shortly after the criminal damage to property, and also claimed that he fled the scene when ordered to stop. Eventually attorney Steven R. Hunter persuaded the prosecution to reduce the charge to a misdemeanor, and the client chose to accept misdemeanor probation.
October 22, 2015 - Resisting or Obstructing a Police Officer. Three brothers hired attorney Steven R. Hunter to fight their case. Normally it is best for each defendant to have his or her own lawyer. However, defendants can be jointly represented by one lawyer if they agree to waive any conflicts of interest and present a joint defense, which is what the clients wanted to do in this case.
The police in this case pulled into a gas station and then proceeded to back up as the brothers' vehicle was behind them, nearly causing an accident. The brothers' car pulled up to the pump, and they were approached by the police officer who drove erratically. The officer demanded to see the license of the driver, and also ordered the driver's brothers to exit the vehicle. All three refused, asserting that they had done nothing wrong. The defense obtained two videos. One showed the officer's poor driving, contradicting the officer's claim in his report that one of the defendant's had driven poorly. The other showed the officer and the defendants exchanging insults and curse words. Attorney Steven R. Hunter also obtained evidence showing that one of the defendants suffered from autism. In the end, attorney Steven R. Hunter successfully argued that while the brothers may have refused to comply with police commands, which technically violated the statute, the officer contributed to the conflict. Attorney Steven R. Hunter persuaded a judge and the prosecutor to dismiss the charges after the brothers completed community service and apologized. The final outcome was case dismissed.
October 12, 2015 - Delay of Mail. The defendant was a postal service employee accused of taking small amounts of money from several pieces of mail. She was notified that she was going to be charged in federal court with a crime. If she had been charged with theft from the mail, it would have been a felony offense. Attorney Steven R. Hunter convinced the prosecution to charge the defendant with a misdemeanor. At sentencing, he proved that the defendant had retired from the postal service after her arrest, that the defendant had a strong work history, education, and lack of any prior criminal contacts. The judge agreed and sentenced the defendant to two years of probation, even though her United States Sentencing Guideline called for 6-12 months of incarceration in the Bureau of Prisons.
October 1, 2015 - Domestic Battery. The defendant was in an arranged marriage that did not work out. He and his wife often argued, and both wanted a divorce. However, his wife was demanding that he move out of their home immediately. Eventually, she filed a complaint with the police, and claimed that the defendant had hit her in the face. She had a photograph of her face with a black eye to substantiate her claim.
At trial, Attorney Steven R. Hunter proved that the wife waited weeks before she made her claim to the police weeks after she received the black eye, that she traveled to visit family and had every opportunity to make a report of the alleged battery. Mr. Hunter showed that she denied being struck by the defendant to her brother, telling him it was an accident. Finally, Attorney Steven R. Hunter introduced evidence that the wife was an amateur boxer, with a heavy bag and boxing gloves. All of this set up the testimony of the defendant, who told the court that she attacked him and that he acted in self-defense. The defendant explained that he had injuries too, but that the wife waited until they had healed before making her complaint. At the conclusion of the trial the defendant was found Not Guilty.
September 17, 2015 - Animal Cruelty. Even when you lose a trial, sometimes fighting a case leads to a better outcome than pleading guilty. In this case the defendant was charged with Animal Cruelty. The defendant lived in a high-rise apartment building. A neighbor took video of the defendant putting her dog on a bar stool and then putting the dog on the floor, tying a rag over its head, and on another occasion putting a plastic bag over the dog's head. The police came to the defendant's apartment, entered, and questioned her about the dog. They claimed that she consented to the entry and gave a statement voluntarily admitting to wrongdoing.
The prosecution refused to negotiate, insisting that the defendant had slammed the dog to the floor and attempted to suffocate the dog. Attorney Steven R. Hunter saw this as a gross exaggeration not born out by the video. In addition, his client insisted that the police barged into the apartment without a warrant and twisted her words. No statement was ever signed by the defendant, and English was the defendant's second language.
Attorney Steven R. Hunter filed and litigated a motion to suppress the statement based on the illegal entry into the home by the police and based on an arrest without probable cause. The court denied the motion, and the client elected to go to trial. At trial, the defense disputed the police version of the client's statement, and showed that the video did not support the contention that the dog had been slammed to the floor. Instead it showed the client quickly placing the dog on the floor. In addition, eye witness testimony established that the plastic bag had air holes. Veterinarian's records from the city Animal Control office were introduced to show the dog was in good physical condition and never harmed. At the end of the trial, the judge found the defendant guilty, but because the evidence proved the dog was never harmed the judge sentenced the defendant to one-day credit for time served, thus ending the case.
September 2, 2015 - Possession of Firearm with Defaced Serial Number. Some cases are won on pre-trial motions, and sometimes cases are won based on testimony obtained at preliminary hearings. In this case, the defendant lived in a house that was the subject of a search warrant. Although the warrant was for drugs, the police found a firearm with a defaced serial number in a shoebox in a closet of a basement bedroom. The defendant was asleep in an upstairs bedroom when the police arrived, and one officer admitted this at a preliminary hearing. There were a number of adults in the house when the police arrived, including the target of the search warrant. Nevertheless, the police focused on the defendant, who was not named in the search warrant. They took him into custody, handcuffed him, and interrogated him in the kitchen. The police claimed he admitted to knowledge of the gun.
Attorney Steven R. Hunter wrote and litigated a motion to suppress that statement based on a lack of probable cause to arrest the defendant. At the motion, he showed that others were present who could just as easily have put the gun in the bedroom. He cited case law that establishes that a statement made after an arrest cannot be used to justify the arrest. He also brought out the fact that the officer admitted at the preliminary hearing that the defendant was asleep in an upstairs bedroom, suggesting that the basement bedroom with the gun in it was not the defendant's bedroom. Shockingly, the officer denied saying this at the Preliminary Hearing. Attorney Steven R. Hunter was ready, and impeached him with the transcript of his prior statement, showing him to be unbelievable. The judge agreed, granted the motion and suppressed the statement. The prosecution still went forward with the trial, arguing that because the defendant was present in the house with the gun, that proved possession. Attorney Steven R. Hunter successfully argued the opposite, that mere presence is not proof beyond a reasonable doubt. Mr. Hunter had case law to back up his argument, and the judge found the defendant Not Guilty.
August 5, 2015 - Violation of Order of Protections and Violation of Probation. The defendant had previously been convicted of the felony of Stalking while represented by a different lawyer. He was sentenced to felony probation and a complete No Contact Order of Protection was entered against him.
One of the protected parties claimed that the defendant had followed her in his vehicle as a friend drover her home. The defendant also claimed that the defendant later drove slowly past her residence as she was being dropped off. The prosecution's witnesses told the police that the vehicle had an outline of adhesive caused by a sign that the defendant had previously had on his vehicle. Based on these claims the police obtained a red light camera video that showed a vehicle with the same make and model as the defendant's vehicle driving behind the complaining witness and her friend. Based on their claims, the defendant was arrested and charged with Violation of an Order of Protection. A Violation of Probation was also filed based on the new charge.
Attorney Steven R. Hunter reviewed the video, and interviewed several witnesses. At trial, he had the witnesses testify that the defendant's car never had adhesive in the side, and that in fact the sign the defendant used to have on his car was magnetic and attached without adhesive. He introduced the actual sign into evidence. He also introduced photos showing that the defendant's vehicle was missing a gas cap. The witnesses confirmed that the gas cap had been missing for a long time. Attorney Steven R. Hunter then showed each witness the video. The vehicle in the video had a gas cap. In addition, Mr. Hunter aggressively cross-examined the prosecution's witnesses and showed that they held a grudge against the defendant. The result was a finding of Not Guilty to the charge of Violation of an Order of Protection. Because the Violation of Probation petition was based solely on the new charge, the Petition was dismissed.
July 24, 2015 - Federal Possession with Intent to Distribute Marijuana. This was a Federal Case from the Central District of Illinois. The defendant was indicted for having a grow house full of marijuana plants near Kankakee. The government's case was very strong. The evidence showed the defendant controlling the house, purchasing the equipment found in the house, and exhibiting a lifestyle that could not necessarily be explained through legitimate sources of income. In addition, an individual cooperating with the government was prepared to testify that he worked at the grow house for the defendant.
Plea negotiations took place and a deal was made based on agreed to sentencing guidelines calculations. The plea agreement stated that "if the Pre-Sentence Report determines the defendant's criminal history category is higher or lower than the criminal history category stated in this Plea Agreement, the Plea Agreement may be declared null and void by either party prior to sentencing."
The defendant was charged with Driving on a Suspended License at the time of his arrest, and the local Kankakee authorities had him transported to court to prosecute that case after the plea agreement on the federal charges was made. The defendant was represented by a local lawyer in State court, not Steven R. Hunter. The defendant plead guilty to a sentence of 59 days, which did not count against his 4A1.1(b). However, the defendant also pled to a violation of supervision and received a concurrent 59 days on a case in which he had already served jail time. This put his aggregate sentence above 60 days, added a point to his criminal history, and the prosecution seized on the change to void the plea agreement in federal court.
Attorney Steven R. Hunter fought to reinstate the plea agreement, but his motion was denied. He then worked with the family of the defendant to gather mitigation evidence in the form of witnesses, character letters, proof of employment, proof of educational efforts, and evidence of charitable acts. This was all presented at a hotly contested sentencing hearing. The result was that the defendant received a sentence of 5 years in the Bureau of Prisons, the legal minimum, even with a plea agreement.
July 22, 2015 - Felony Forgery. The defendant was a bookkeeper at a small business. He developed severe health problems and forged two checks to obtain money to pay for medical treatment. He was caught and prosecuted. The State had a strong case which proved he wrote the checks and deposited them into his own account. In addition, he confessed.
Attorney Steven R. Hunter worked with the defendant to show proof of his health issues, his work history, his lack of prior criminal conduct, and his education. He presented this to the prosecution, and asked for them to consider reducing the charge to a misdemeanor with full restitution. The prosecution declined, stating that the victim business owner objected. Attorney Steven R. Hunter did not give up. Instead he spoke to the business owner, explained the situation, and asked the business owner to request leniency from the prosecutors. He did so, and the defendant received misdemeanor probation.
June 25, 2015 - Domestic Battery. The defendant was accused of domestic battery against his sister. He had multiple felony convictions in his background. In addition, the prosecution had a photograph of his sister with two large black eyes. Also, the defendant and his sister's niece told the police that she saw the defendant head-butt his sister in the head. The State's offer to him prior to his hiring Attorney Steven R. Hunter was six months in the county jail.
Attorney Steven R. Hunter attacked the case on two fronts. First, he prepared mitigation evidence that proved the defendant was working two jobs, paying child support, etc. This was never presented to the prosecution or the judge before Steven R. Hunter took over the case. Second, Steven R. Hunter took crime scene photos that proved that the witness could not have seen the altercation from where she told the police she stood. In addition, Steven R. Hunter developed a witness who could testify that the sister was the aggressor. Also, photos of the scene were taken to show that the altercation took place on some stairs, putting the heads of the defendant and his sister at the same height, which supported his testimony
May 29, 2015. - Possession of a Firearm with No Valid FOID card, Possession of Cannabis, Possession of Cocaine. The client was visiting her boyfriend and spent the night at his apartment. In the middle of the night, her boyfriend left the apartment and was shot dead on the first floor of the building by persons unknown. When the police arrived, they illegally entered the second floor apartment of the boyfriend and discovered the client asleep in bed. They also found a gun, cocaine and marijuana in the apartment. Attorney Steven R. Hunter beat the cocaine charge at a Preliminary Hearing when the evidence showed the cocaine was in another room. He ultimately won the entire case by winning a Motion to Suppress Evidence based on an illegal search and seizure of the gun and marijuana seized from the bedroom. Once all of the evidence was suppressed, the prosecution had no choice but to Nolle Prosse the charges.
May 27, 2015. - Domestic Battery. The client entered into an arranged marriage with his wife, who was from India. Once she got to the United States, she became far less traditional, and would hit her husband. Eventually, she began hitting him and then calling the police and claiming he hit her. In each case she would drop the charges. After a few years of this treatment, the client initiated divorce proceedings. The wife then filed for a U-Visa, which is a visa an individual can obtain to stay in the United States if they are the victim of a crime. She also made new claims, producing old photos that included a chipped toe nail and a small bruise on her arm. At trial, the defense cross-examined her about her behavior and produced an email from her to her husband apologizing for hitting him. She claimed that the email was "out of context." The jury disagreed and quickly returned a verdict of Not Guilty.
May 26, 2015. - Petition for Order of Protection. The client's son-in-law broke out the windows of our client's car with a bat and threated the client and his son. Attorney Steven R. Hunter filed an amended petition and was prepared to litigate, but the respondent conceded defeat and the order was entered.
May 20, 2015. - Harassment by Telephone. This case started by a complaint and summons. That is a process in which the complaining witness walks into the police station to report what she believes to be a crime. There is no arrest. The police then mail a summons to the defendant, and he or she must go to court or a warrant will be issued. In this case, our client dated a man who, unbeknownst to her, had a girlfriend. The girlfriend left threatening voicemails and sent harassing texts to the client. The client responded and things went back and forth, with the girlfriend ultimately accusing our client of harassment by telephone. At trial, the complaining witness tried to show only the texts from the defendant, and not her half of the communications. The defense showed that the communications were an exchange which had in fact been started by the complainant. Not Guilty.
May 14, 2015. - Domestic battery. Client was arrested for Domestic Battery after a neighbor called the police. Attorney Steven R. Hunter spoke with the complaining witness, and she indicated that her husband never hit her. The charges were dismissed.
May 6, 2015. - Assault and Criminal Damage to Property. Client was accused of being loud and abusive on an airline flight from California. He was also accused of damaging the plane by spilling his wine and leaving a permanent stain. He was arrested when the plane landed at O'Hare airport. The client resides in another state and it would have been difficult for him to return to court on another day. Attorney Steven R. Hunter investigated the case and learned that the complaining witness also did not reside locally. When the complaining witness was not in court he persuaded the prosecutor to dismiss the charges. Case Dismissed.
May 1, 2015 - Motion for Early Termination of Supervised Release. The client was convicted of a Federal Drug charge in another state. After serving his time in the Bureau of Prisons, he completed half of 5 years of Supervised Release that was imposed as part of his sentence. Attorney Steven R. Hunter to litigate a motion for early termination. Motion granted.
April 30, 2015 - Possession of a Firearm with no Valid FOID card, Possession of a Controlled Substance, Possession of Cannabis. The client was the overnight guest of her boyfriend. During the night, while the client slept, the boyfriend left the apartment and went to the first floor of the apartment building where he lived. Unfortunately he was shot dead by an unknown person or persons. When the police arrived, the entered the apartment where the client slept, found crack cocaine, a handgun and marijuana. The police arrested the client and charged with the gun and drugs. At a preliminary hearing, Attorney Steven R. Hunter convinced the judge that prosecution had no probable cause to charge the client with the cocaine. The case was then transferred to misdemeanor court. Once there, Attorney Steven R. Hunter researched, wrote and litigated a Motion to Suppress the Evidence based on an illegal search of the apartment. He established that the police did not have a search warrant or consent to enter the apartment, and that no exigent circumstances or emergency existed to justify the search. Motion Granted.
April 21, 2015 - Domestic Battery Accusation. The client was accused of domestic battery by his wife. He was arrested, made the subject of an Order of Protection, and forced to move out of his home. Case dismissed and the Order of Protection was terminated.
April 15, 2015 - Federal Grand Jury Case. The client was subpoenaed to appear before a Federal Grand Jury. Attorney Steven R. Hunter investigated the case, spoke to the prosecutor, and determined that the client was not the target of the investigation. Mr. Hunter and the client attended meetings with agents and the prosecutor, and the client provided testimony.
March 19, 2015 - Federal Drug Conspiracy. The client was convicted of Federal Drug Conspiracy charges in 1990. He was represented by other counsel. In 1990 the sentencing guidelines were mandatory, and the defendant was sentenced to 420 months. Due to amendments in the law, specifically Amendment 782 to Section 3582 (c) and Section 1B1.10 of the United States Sentencing Guidelines, the defendant was eligible for a sentence reduction on the conspiracy charge. Attorney Steven R. Hunter litigated a motion for a sentencing reduction from the original 420 months to 352 months.
March 4, 2015 - Domestic Battery. The client in this case had an extremely promising defense. The complaining witness in this case had fired a handgun repeatedly on a public highway with highly questionable justification. Attorney Steven R. Hunter investigated the situation and learned that the complaining witness had moved out of state and did not intend to return due to fears that she would be charged with a firearms offense. The case was set for trial without the complaining witness in court, and the prosecution represented that they could prove their case without her. Attorney Steven R. Hunter disagreed and urged his client to go to trial. Unfortunately, on the day of trial the client decided to accept a plea offer of Supervision to a reduced charge, against the advice of Steven R. Hunter. Our office prides itself on being willing to fight, but the final decision is always the client's decision, and we must abide by it.
February 6, 2015 - Vendor Fraud and Theft. The client had a son who had suffered brain damage and required care. Under State Medicaid rules, one of the client's other son's signed up to be a care provider and was compensated by the State. An investigation revealed that the son who was the paid care-giver was in jail for part of the time for which he was supposedly providing care, and time sheets were submitted and payment was received after the son providing care had been murdered. The client was accused of submitting time sheets and taking the money. Attorney Steven R. Hunter established at trial that the prosecution had suspicions but no proof. Not Guilty.
February 3, 2015 - Criminal Damage to Property. The client kicked out the glass door of a building while intoxicated. He was charged with Criminal Damage to Property. Attorney Steven R. Hunter was approached by an attorney for the building and he and the client agreed to settle potential civil damages by paying the building all costs associated with the damage. The complaining witness then, of his own accord, asked that the prosecution be dropped. Case dismissed.
January 28, 2015 - Federal Motion for Early Termination. The client was convicted of a federal crime in another state. After serving her sentence she was allowed to have her Supervised Release transferred to the Northern District of Illinois. After serving half of her Supervised Release, she hired Steven R. Hunter to litigate a motion for early termination. Motion granted.
January 6, 2015 - Leaving the Scene of an Accident. The client was alleged to have struck a small child in an intersection despite a red light. He denied this. The complaining witness was not in court on the day Attorney Steven R. Hunter first appeared for the client. Since the prosecution could not prove their case without the complaining witness, the case was set for trial. In the interim, Attorney Steven R. Hunter located an eyewitness who corroborated the complaining witnesses' account of the event, as well as other evidence that made the outcome of the trial uncertain. Attorney Steven R. Hunter negotiated a plea agreement for 4 months of Supervision instead of trial.
January 15, 2015 - Aggravated Unlawful Use of a Weapon. The client was arrested on New Year's Eve after police saw him with a handgun on the back porch of an apartment. The client was a convicted felon. The police chased the client into the apartment, conducted a search, and discovered two guns. After acquiring extensive mitigation evidence, attorney Steven R. Hunter persuaded the court to offer the client the Illinois Department of Corrections Impact Incarceration Program, also known as Boot Camp.
January 12, 2015 - Official Misconduct and Unauthorized Delivery of Contraband in a Penal Institution. The client was a guard at the Cook County Jail. He was accused of smuggling in drugs, contraband such as lotions, and even a cellphone. Wiretap evidence, law enforcement surveillance, contraband recovered from the client's car and the client's confession all made trial an unwise decision. Attorney Steven R. Hunter worked with the client and his family to acquire mitigation evidence of his employment history, education, family life and contributions to the community. This information persuaded the prosecutor and judge to offer the client a sentence of probation.
January 7, 2015 - Organizer of a Continuing Financial Crimes Enterprise. The defendant was charged with several financial crimes involving thousands of dollars, including being the organizer of a continuing financial crimes enterprise. That charge is a Class X felony that carries a minimum sentence of 6 years in prison. Probation is not possible for anyone convicted of that charge. Attorney Steven Hunter established that the defendant acted alone and that other individuals acted outside the enterprise. Based on his legal arguments the prosecution agreed to dismiss the Class X felony and to recommend 30 months of probation as a sentence.
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