Chicago Crime Lawyer Resources

Illinois DUI Resources

If you are charged with a DUI/DWI in Illinois, you need an experienced Illinois DUI attorney. To schedule an in-office consultation, call us today at (312) 466-9466.

Our DUI resources below offer information pertaining to Illinois DUI arrests, Illinois DUI law and DUI legal strategies.

  • DUI Consequences in Illinois - The consequences of a drunk driving conviction vary depending on many factors. The most important one is whether or not the accused person has a prior conviction for DUI.
  • Going to Trial for an Illinois DUI - Going to trial for an Illinois DUI arrest? Our experienced DUI trial attorneys can evaluate your case and help you to pursue the best possible legal strategy.
  • Alternatives to an Illinois DUI Trial - There are some excellent alternatives to a DUI trial. However, taking the steps to prepare for a DUI trial is the key to making the most of DUI trial alternatives.
  • DUI Arrest Pre-Trial Motions - Before a DUI case goes to trial, our Chicago criminal defense lawyers often make pre-trial motions to argue that certain evidence should be kept out of the trial, that certain individuals cannot testify, or that the case should be dismissed altogether. We have a strong track record in making successful DUI case pre-trial motions.
  • "Not the Driver" DUI Defense - In many DUI cases, a defendant is accused of driving while intoxicated when in fact they were not the driver of the car or the car was not being "driven" at the time of arrest.
  • Alcohol Consumed After Accident - DUI lawyers have, in some DUI cases, successfully argued that alcohol was consumed after an accident occured and not prior to the accident.
  • Not Drunk DUI Defense - A common defense to DUI is that the driver was not drunk.
  • Initial Stop for DUI in Illinois - Being pulled over for a DUI can be a scary experience. Still, it's important to keep your wits about you to ensure that you will have the best possible DUI defense if you are in fact arrested for an Illinois DUI violation.
  • Field Sobriety Tests in Illinois - We take a look at Illinois field sobriety tests, answering questions such as whether to take a field sobriety test and whether these tests are reliable.
  • Illinois Breathalyzer Tests - Under Illinois law, the police can only demand that you take a breathalyzer test after you have been placed under arrest for DUI.
  • Illinois DUI Laws - Illinois DUI laws are extremely strict. This synopsis of Illinois drunk driving laws highlights key pre-2001 DUI law changes to the many Illinois laws that pertain to drunk driving.
  • Recent DUI Laws in Illinois - We continue our review of the history of Illinois DUI laws, covering post-2000 Illinois DUI law changes.
  • DuPage County DUI Legal Advice - Need a DuPage County DUI lawyer? Choosing a good DUI attorney is the first step in obtaining a favorable outcome.
  • Lake County DUI Attorneys - Work with the best Lake County DUI attorney and get the results you deserve.
  • McHenry County DUI Legal Representation - If you're in the market for a very good McHenry County DUI lawyer, we need to talk. Work with the best. Our track record speaks for itself.
  • Will County DUI Cases - If you have a Will County DUI case, whether it's your 1st DUI, 2nd DUI or 3rd DUI, our experienced Will County DUI attorneys can help.

Chicago Criminal Defense Lawyer - (312) 466-9466 

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900 W. Jackson Blvd.

Suite 7E

Chicago, IL 60607

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