Chicago Sex Offense Attorneys

Prostitution Cases

We have extensive experience fighting prostitution cases. If you have been arrested for prostitution, contact our firm today to schedule an in-office consultation with our Chicago criminal defense attorneys. Our phone number is (312) 466-9466.

Prostitution, as most people know, is engaging in sex for money or other compensation.

The "world's oldest profession," as it is known, is extremely common. Even so, a conviction for such a charge is serious, and can destroy reputations and lives for years to come. A record of a conviction for this charge can be sealed.

In Illinois, prostitution is a Class A Misdemeanor, punishable by up to a year of prison. For subsequent prostitution convictions in Illinois, prostitution is charged as a Class 4 felony, potentially resulting in a sentence of one to three years in jail.

If you or a loved one is accused of this crime, call the Law Office of Steven R. Hunter to see how we can help you win your case.

Winning a Prostitution Case

Prostitution cases almost always involve undercover police who pose as customers. Winning these cases involves attacking the creditability of the officer and showing the judge or jury that the prosecution has not proven every element. In particular, the element of offering or agreeing to perform a sex act for money must be challenged. If no explicit conversation about a sex act or acts occurred, it may be argued that an exchange of money could simply be for an escort or companion.

A common myth amongst defendants in this type of case is that if they ask a person if he is a police officer, that he must tell the truth, and that if the undercover officer lies this is somehow a defense. This is not true. Undercover officers can pose as "johns" and are not required to reveal their true identities.

Only an experienced Chicago Sex Offense lawyer or Chicago Sex Offense law firm can provide true and accurate legal advice. The Law Office of Steven R. Hunter has the expertise and experience to help. Call us today at (312) 466-9466.

Chicago Criminal Defense Lawyer - (312) 466-9466 

Chicago Office

900 W. Jackson Blvd.

Suite 7E

Chicago, IL 60607

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